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My first ever build took some pics any advice would be great

Big G

Mar 17, 2014
Got some vape mail today all my kanthal and organic cotton turnt up been itching to do my first build had my kayfun light sat here looking at me for a week
I've only got a Vamo v5 to put it on so I'm limited

I used .32 kanthal
First coil came out at 0.72ohm 10 wraps around needle so can't use it
Second came out at 0.52ohm 5 wraps no good
Third was 1.3ohm PERFECT!!!!!
Here she is





Fair play, looking great! Not so shabby at all.

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Now that is definitely one of the tidiest first efforts I've seen. :)
Cheers guys least I'm on the right track
it vapes nice but being an OCD freak I'm gona try some more when I've settled the kids down ,
I wraped this round a 18g needle I've got some .30 and .25 kanthal I'm going to have a play maybe round a drill bit instead but I'm limited to the Vamo think it only goes down to 1.2ohm

ill lll tidy it up lol
Try to use the .25 kanthal, you'll need less wraps to get a suitable resistance.

It looks like a kick arse build though, no shame in that at all, the vamo will go down to 1.2ohm(mine will anyway) but its good to cut your teeth on a regulated mod, I still use my vamo with a fogger but its been relegated to my build bench snd gets used more to check atty resistance than to vape, the threads are getting quite loose and I'm either going to have to get a new top or make one which has been going through my head for a while.
I'd be interested to know how it vapes, to me it seems like a lot of cotton wool, it's certainly more than I use in my kayfun.

Let us know?
I'd be interested to know how it vapes, to me it seems like a lot of cotton wool, it's certainly more than I use in my kayfun.

Let us know?

My thoughts exactly.

I gave up on cotton in the kayfun as I couldn't seem to get the balance right. It could look exactly the same amount, but while I would get one great build, the next would burn the wick as it was either over or under wicking. Much as I love the kayfun, it is a PITA draining it to change a wick/coil.
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