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My first mech mod, what batteties


Aug 13, 2013
I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of my first mechanical,
Do I need to use protected batteries in a mech?
I have some Torchy 18650 non protected,
What will I need to get to use it? What resistance will be safe to coil?

Many thanks,
link to what your getting will help? wouldnt use completely unprotected in mech mod,I use IMR from Torchy, no protection circuit as such but what is called 'safe chemistry' its what was recommended to me and I have had no problems
I'm a big fan of safer chemistry efest v2's. No issues after months of use even when I've had shorts
Just in my experience, can't go wrong with AW or efest IMR batteries.
If you are a beginner to mech mods, probably best to keep your coils above 1.4-1.5 ohms until you gain experience and a level of comfort with the whole mech/rebuildable side of things.
I mainly use efest .. coz they seem to be easier to get hold of than AW .. both seem to perform about the same :)
Cheers chaps, my Kts From FT is on its way, My first forray into mech mod's, and you've just answered my question before I had to ask it!!!! Cheers to you Pucka as well for asking and saving me the bother!!!:yahoo:
As above efest imr's & coils around 1.3 to 1.6 after alto of reading
I mainly use AW IMR and check the build on a Vamo. Know what you are doing are the best recommendations. If you dont know what you are doing, read up! -Or ask a lot!!! :)
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