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my first week smoke free in 34 years!!

Apr 5, 2013
Hi Everyone, am new to the forum and to vaping,had my last real ciggie on Easter Saturday having ordered a jac vapour pcc starter kit. What a revelation it has been. I have been a heavy smoker (30/day)for 34 years iam ashamed to say and I really thought that it was going to be an utter nightmare trying to give up and this was my first attempt in all that time of smoking but I have to be honest and say that from my first puff on the e cig (using tobacco flavour high strength 24mg) I have not wanted or touched a real cig and to be honest it has been easy,i have kept waiting for it to get horribly tough but it hasn't. After my first few goes on the e cig I was back on the jac vapour website looking to upgrade to a more powerful machine so I ordered their vgo2 vv plus spare tanks which arrived Tuesday and I have been on that ever since and have kept the little e cigs as a sort of reserve. I have been using mainly the tobacco 24 mg and some coffee flavoured (24mg) and so far I seem to be vaping around 2 mg total in a day and from what little I have worked out that seems to be quite moderate so not only have I ditched the real cigs but I seem to have cut right down on my nicotine intake. I have ordered some different flavours from a couple of different sites in order to find what works best for me and iam reading the forum avidly to learn as much as I can .Sorry for the long first post folks but I just wanted to share how brilliant I feel about giving up the real cigs and how easy I have found it thanks to vaping and the information on the forum.cheers.
Hi there and congratulations and :welcome1: It's a wonderful feeling isn't it?

I did the same as you back on 1st Nov 2012, after 30+years of smoking and switched 100% on day 1. I can't believe that's over 5 months ago!

I'm sure you'll be just the same in September! Looking back and realising how great you feel and how horrible fags smell and taste.
I started on tobacco and coffee too and gradually moved away from the tobacco flavours completely, but whatever you like, is best for you. Everyone on here is brilliant and always ready to help. IMO it's the best vaping forum :D
Hiya and welcome! We like good long intros-makes us feel like we know you better :) it almost feels like we're cheating doesn't it :D
Completely agree, two weeks in and never went back, there's even an unopened pack still in the house. Went to Emporium Vapours today and the guy had a lovely cinnamon flavour. What a brilliant taste compared to the nasties. Good luck to us both in our continued vaping.
Hello and welcome, I started on the same kit, 100% switch on day one, that was 2 months ago. I very rarely had the urge to smoke in the first few weeks and now never. It was easy.
Good luck and welcome
good to hear mate well done , the right gear makes it easy as pie :) hmmm pie
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