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my first week smoke free in 34 years!!

No, its Fred the Airline Pilot!!!!

Everyone else knew that ;)
garypersonaltrainer, welcome to the madhouse, both the above comments prove that (only kidding) and let the smugness begin, you have waited 34 years for it, noone will begrudge a few days of it :)

Arrgh that makes sense I thought a personal trainer smoking 30 a day was impressive but going under an alias and flying planes is more plausible, thanks for clearing that up
Hi garypersonaltrainer congratulations on making it to vaping. Whats that I hear, you gonna get ur lungs back m8, plus also find tastebuds you thought you never had. Welcome to POTV from a fellow member.:)

Good stuff garypersonaltrainer I also thought it would be hell to give up after over 20 years, tried a few times and failed. But vaping makes it easy.

Welcome to the planet and long may your stinky free life continue
Hi Everyone, am new to the forum and to vaping,had my last real ciggie on Easter Saturday having ordered a jac vapour pcc starter kit. What a revelation it has been. I have been a heavy smoker (30/day)for 34 years iam ashamed to say and I really thought that it was going to be an utter nightmare trying to give up and this was my first attempt in all that time of smoking but I have to be honest and say that from my first puff on the e cig (using tobacco flavour high strength 24mg) I have not wanted or touched a real cig and to be honest it has been easy,i have kept waiting for it to get horribly tough but it hasn't. After my first few goes on the e cig I was back on the jac vapour website looking to upgrade to a more powerful machine so I ordered their vgo2 vv plus spare tanks which arrived Tuesday and I have been on that ever since and have kept the little e cigs as a sort of reserve. I have been using mainly the tobacco 24 mg and some coffee flavoured (24mg) and so far I seem to be vaping around 2 mg total in a day and from what little I have worked out that seems to be quite moderate so not only have I ditched the real cigs but I seem to have cut right down on my nicotine intake. I have ordered some different flavours from a couple of different sites in order to find what works best for me and iam reading the forum avidly to learn as much as I can .Sorry for the long first post folks but I just wanted to share how brilliant I feel about giving up the real cigs and how easy I have found it thanks to vaping and the information on the forum.cheers.

Pretty much the same experience I've had, packed up smoking cigars 5 weeks ago and not looked back!!
Nice testament Gary, Very well done and welcome to the Forum.

By title If you are/were, A personal trainer no doubt you have tons of will power, in abundance I suspect, and the urge and drive to succeed, So I am sure you will stick with it Much like most of us here, with slight variation to our personal experiences, But we all are aiming for the same things now, Just a sad fact upon reflection that this was not around all them years ago.. Much like myself 20-25 a day around 34 years from very early age no less....

The nicotine content by contrast is small in e-cigs, It is not so harmful regardless of how much we/you consume, So long as diluted of course and not in raw form.
Unknown to a degree is the effects on the body over time, although there are some u-choob vids of a guy having had X-rays taken 5 years or so ago and recently again to show updates of b4 and after, The Result!!!! His lungs were the same...In fact, cleaner.

A Huge variety on e-liquids & it can be mind boggling to a noob, but liquid and a battery device is one thing we all have in common being the method & consumption and we all have to use as part of vaping, devices and equipment is personal choice and some obviously better than others as with anything. With 3-4 Ingredients rather than 2000+ in our e-liquid. What we can all say without doubt is that this method is 99.9% safer than smoking.

Good luck buddy and glad you stepped in here to take that next leap for a better life, As with anything it is much easier with like for likes, and sharing methods, preferences and experiences only makes that task ahead seemingly more easy...:)
Thank you for the lovely welcome folks,it makes such a nice change on any forum to be treated nicely even though you are a beginner and don't really know what's what.ps I notice that Baldrick's cunning plan disguising my name and occupation was up to its usual standard! "the devil vomits in my kettle again" lol
Thank you for the lovely welcome folks,it makes such a nice change on any forum to be treated nicely even though you are a beginner and don't really know what's what.ps I notice that Baldrick's cunning plan disguising my name and occupation was up to its usual standard! "the devil vomits in my kettle again" lol

We don't have beginners just vapers on different time lines for their experience
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