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N00b Coil Question. Sorry


Jul 18, 2018
Hi I recently bought Vandy Vape Pyro V3 RDTA, came with 2 x Fused Clapton Coil 0.33ohm. It tasted great the first few weeks i'd say, but now the taste is very muted even when im switching flavours, putting new cotton in and dry burning the old crap off the coils. Do I have to buy new coils its the only thing i can think of, if so why, It still produced vapor etc? As i say n0ob question thanks.
Hi I recently bought Vandy Vape Pyro V3 RDTA, came with 2 x Fused Clapton Coil 0.33ohm. It tasted great the first few weeks i'd say, but now the taste is very muted even when im switching flavours, putting new cotton in and dry burning the old crap off the coils. Do I have to buy new coils its the only thing i can think of, if so why, It still produced vapor etc? As i say n0ob question thanks.

You can eke out a coil for while by regularly cleaning them as you have done...but eventually you'll need to replace it. Even rebuildables will require new coils after a while. Some folks change theirs every coupla weeks or so.

You can make your own, by getting some more of the fused clapton wire...and a simple tool kit (costs a few pound, available at many vape vendors)...and learn to make your own. There's plenty of You Tube vids that show how to do this....and many members on here have posted up vids on the same. Or if building your own isn't you cup of tea....look for vendors that sell prewound coils and get those.
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I tend to get about 6 months out of a coil (rewicking when needed).
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