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Need HELP! Is there Anything betterthan cotton?


Mar 22, 2014
Hi Everyone

To cut a long story short.. I switched to Vaping two at the beginning of this year.. I was doing £400 a month on trad Cigs so I needed an alternative.

I got a VV E VOD with a Clearomizer, changed that to a Anyvape Davide, changed battery to a Provari mini, sold E VOD got a Taifun GT for the Provari, then the Taifun Dripper, then an Atom Elite so now...

I am vaping the Taifun Base with the Dripper, with a cotton wick using twisted .3 wire as a single coil on .65 ohms with the Atom Elite Mod and what I want to know is there anything thats better than cotton which retains more liquid.....

Any one know?
Hi mate

Can't really comment on the sub ohming but I've been switching between standard silica, ekowool and cotton in my drippers and on rebuilds. They seem to have different merits for me. I've heard good things about cotton yarn being mentioned, maybe someone with a little more know how could give you a heads up. Give it a search because I'm sure I saw someone discussing it recently
The best I've come across so far. Is the rico fashion summer yarn from hobbiecraft. It keeps up very well with a 1.5 ohm coil at 12 watts in a protank. Not sure how good it would be at sub ohm though.
4mm Voodoo Wool from stealthvapes is bloody fantastic stuff.I use it in my RDA's and a "fill" on 2 pieces about half inch long @ 0.4 ohms will last me about an hour of pretty heavy cloud blowing.
i'd try voodoo wool from stealthvape it holds mega amounts of juice - the person with the cotton yarn was the jester
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