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need pink box mod please anyone

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Mar 19, 2013
been absolutely everywhere for pink box mod in the uk and NOTHING . Iv seen mvp itaste but seems like people r grossly having too many probs with them? and not ure if i culd even be able to charge it on my normal ecig 510 wall plug charger?
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I can get pink 2xAA boxes made but.... I need to buy 3000 of them and I've got a terrible feeling that after everyone that wanted them bought them I'd have 2999 pink battery boxes sat there laughing at me.

I'd be that guy with all the pink boxes hehe
Have had a itaste mvp for about 3 months admit it more back up for mech mod now but was used daily for 2 months and comes out now if battery dies in my 18350 mod, never a problem and I know a few members on here love them, only prob I read was when Road hog dropped a washing machine on his which isnt the done thing lol
I can get pink 2xAA boxes made but.... I need to buy 3000 of them and I've got a terrible feeling that after everyone that wanted them bought them I'd have 2999 pink battery boxes sat there laughing at me.

I'd be that guy with all the pink boxes hehe

make the rest up into some sort of pocket fleshlight and youll be laughing all the way to the bank.
been absolutely everywhere for pink box mod in the uk and NOTHING . Iv seen mvp itaste but seems like people r grossly having too many probs with them? and not ure if i culd even be able to charge it on my normal ecig 510 wall plug charger?

i had an mvp for months , loved it , eventually the 510 connection fell out , but thats more my fault than anything ad i had a habbit back them of over screwing in atties. why not grab one and then get a wrap from jwraps or something and pimp the shit out of that little box.
i had an mvp for months , loved it , eventually the 510 connection fell out , but thats more my fault than anything ad i had a habbit back them of over screwing in atties. why not grab one and then get a wrap from jwraps or something and pimp the shit out of that little box.

As I was typing :lol1:
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