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Need some help


Apr 12, 2016
Hi guys I think I'm over dripping, my wick Is full of juice and getting little burnt taste so I re wick and when I pull the old one out of the coil it has split in half. Why is this happening??
Too much cotton maybe, too little juice. What's the diameter of your coils/wire used and wattage used
3mm and it clapton 24g 32g at 75w there seems to be alot of juice on the wick
Might be down to your wicking then. Is the cotton light and fluffy and does it move in the coil freely?
It is light, not really freely there is a bit of resistance there the thing I don't get is the wick is soked with juice but it tastes a bit burnt like I need to re drip
Burnt taste can mean hot legs or hot spots on the coil itself. Pull the top cap off, fire it and blow on it at the same time, and you'll see if a leg or a part of the coil is glowing brightly, then you need to have a look at the coil itself. Recommend you fire it at lower watts though.
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