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New Box struggle!

Okay went to ukstore today!!

Bought BRAND NEW sig 150W opened added batteries 100% all good and happy untilll...

The + button is presses in so bad it changes the Watt by itself... what a FAIL again im so tired :(

anyway i can fix that or i have to send it back again... a new mod cause factory broken....

i would open it and have a look if i can fix the button but that would mean no warranty.... and it was last one in stock :(
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I have the sigelei 100 watt plus and it is definitely not a patch on my new IPv4 the ipv is awesome and as for build quality I love it I think it feels better than the sig and fires all the tanks the sig wouldn't I love it so much I will be getting another
I have the sigelei 150w and an IPv4. The sigelei is IMO miles better. I find the IPv4 to feel cheap, really cheap, like cheaper than any other device I've owned. I also find it uncomfortable to hold. On the plus side, the temp control seems to work well and I like the feel of the fire button!
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