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New guy here ;)

what devices do you have on your mind Merino-Teflon

How come nearly everything in the world of vape sounds filthy!? :)

Let me see, don't want to overload your senses with too many choices, but here goes: Kangar T3s, Vivi Nova clearo tanks, DCTs, boge cartomizers, rebuildable atomisers of an ego-wise fit, you know...the usual...
Okay, that is spooky, I posted a reply, went shopping, came back, and it has disappeared, anyway, devices, too many to mentioned, but I will explode your brain just a tad: Kanger T3s, viv novas, boge cartomizers, 306 atomizers...

I could go on, but I shan't ;)
Hang on a moment, I am not going insane, I answered the question and you posted the same question again. Thought I had lost my one remaining marble for a moment.
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