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New member saying hello


Jan 5, 2014
Hello everyone on potv I have been lurking for awhile so thought i'd better introduce myself! I have been vaping since November 2012 started with the basic vip ecigs then moved onto a riva battery with the ce4's then pretty much stopped at that for awhile except i changed to vivi nova tanks.
More recently iv moved on again and am currently vaping with a mvp2 with an iclear 30 and this far superior vape has rekindled my interest in vaping and has cost me a small fortune as I have just ordered my first mechanical mod and my first rebuildable atty!! along with a lot of new liquids from vendors iv seen recommended on here while lurking :) So I'm here to say big thank you for all the help iv already received and for help in the future with my new vaping gear (when it arrives that is!)
welcome! things have moved on a lot in the last year!
which mech did you decide upon?
Thank you both for the warm welcome! and to vern I went for the hcigar hammer mod and the Kayfun 3.1 from vapegeek hoping they get here quick!!! can't wait to try them out!! saw on here they seem to get good reviews so hope iv made the right choice! am also thinking of getting the nemesis but will see how I do with the hammer first
theres an echo in here:-)

good choices, let us know how you get on!
echo?... and thank you i will probably be posting asking how to set them up properly as iv never made my own coil and tho iv seen plenty of videos on youtube on how to do it I'm sure i will make a few mistakes before it get it right!
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