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New RBA user


Jul 4, 2018
Wow, have been vaping on my Smok x-priv now for about 2-3months now buying the standard ready made coils, have just bought the tfv12 prince RBA coil and cannot believe the difference.
So much more flavour, and bigger denser clouds. If any one is unsure I would highly recommend the change to RBA.
There is so much info out there regarding the building of the decks, safety etc I found it relatively easy to do.
Will keep to ready made coils for the RBA atm maybe in the future start making my own coils.

Do not miss the fags one bit now.
Love Vaping
Nice one Ian, I'm glad you're loving it.

I had that same wow factor when I first tried the RBA, the coils that come with it aren't anything special but they just work great, I've tried some fancy pancy Ni80 coils in it and some SS316L's but the standard Kanthal seem to suit it better.

All but one of my Prince tanks have the RBA fitted.
I am glad you are enjoying your vaping experience so much.

I too have discovered the joys of a Smok RBA. I converted my TFV8 Baby Beast to one, the instant improvement in flavour was amazing. I enjoyed it so much that I have replaced all of my tanks to Smoks with RBAs. I have 2 TFV8 Big Baby Beasts and a TFV8 Baby Beast. I have bought the wife 2 Smok Spirals and a Big Baby, all with RBAs.

I am experimenting with different cottons, wicking techniques, various coil types and air flow to find my perfect setup.
Thanks both, so many options to explore.
Think I will get used to building the deck for a bit before I branch out into the different types of coil wire materials, but experimenting with the wattage and air flow atm to find that perfect vape.
Glad you adjusted so quickly. getting into building is amazing, its like a hobby now. i enjoy building now as much as I do actually vaping! Just recently got into DIY juice as well. If I could stop myself buy so much god damn hardware to play with I would be saving myself so much money!

Smok RBA on a TFV8 was what got me into it too must be almost 2 years ago now... dabbled at the Kanger topbox one but couldnt get the hang of it, would love to have another try now I know what im doing but I sold it. you will be on RDA's soon enough, that'll be the next 'WOW' moment :P
you will be on RDA's soon enough, that'll be the next 'WOW' moment
Exactly the route I took, The TF V8 RBA was great, the Prince RBA was far better, I have 6 of the buggers and still use them daily, I also squonk on RDA's and as you said, a real wow moment when I started and still is, sure beats dripping.

It's most definitely a hobby for me and that first moment of vaping a successful build you can't beat it :)
you will be on RDA's soon enough, that'll be the next 'WOW' moment :P

See I have gone backwards. My first rebuildables were RDTAs and an RDA. Dripping was just too much faff. RDTAs were just too much faff also. RBAs are as close to a fit and forget solution as you can get in a rebuildable tank.
See I have gone backwards. My first rebuildables were RDTAs and an RDA. Dripping was just too much faff. RDTAs were just too much faff also. RBAs are as close to a fit and forget solution as you can get in a rebuildable tank.
Have you tried squonking? - I wouldn't use RDA's any other way (that's a lie as 1 I have as a juice test dripper) - much prefer squonking to my RTA's but I use both as they offer a different vape experience.
I haven't looked in to squoking, don't know anything about them.
Although like Scottishduck13 thought I was going to save a bit of cash after quitting the demon fags but can't stop buying hardware, only been vaping for coming up to 3 months now and I've got the x-priv, with a couple of each q4, t6 and mesh coils, the prince RBA with the coil master multi pack of assorted coils, a Smok Skyhook RBTA ( Haven't tried out yet!!) An extra prince tank and a cobra edition tank and a e-priv on pre order. If my Mrs knew she would batter me, but what she doesn't know can't hurt her (or her hurt me to be more precise)
wait till you are 3 years in. 40+ regulated mods, 10 squonkers and 22 mechs plus 3 regulated on the way. not to mention a dripper or tank for each plus a few left over, and then there's about 10 -20set ups that have gone to new homes. All the bits and bobs for coil making plus juice making products as well . There's hope for you yet lol.:)
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