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New regular vape meet in Reading?

Last nights vape meet was a huge success. It was really good to get so many like minded vapers in one place and to share experiences, mods, advice and juices (especially you Tony, with so many well known juices to share). There was a lot of interest in Dave's VTR and Nathans SVD not to mention the variety of mods that everyone brought with them. I know Loki has now got his eye on a Kayfun Lite, lol. The taste challenge was a last minute addition to the evening but I think might be a regular addition to our future vape meets. Any ideas to add a bit more fun to future vape meets are more than welcome. We'll get the table layout better next time in advance. We didn't know how many to expect for the first meet and were really pleased with the turnout. I think there will be a good few more for the second one as a few people wanted to come but for one reason or another couldn't. We've got our very own premium range of juices arriving in the shop sometime this Monday. By Tuesday morning we should have around 35 new premium juice flavours in the shop.
I'll stop rambling on now and just say thanks to everyone that turned up and/or supported the first vape meet and lets bring on the second one in mid January.
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