As far as a rudimentary Tool Kit goes, you could get away with the following to get you started, back in the day, this is pretty much how us older hands started out.
A Pair of Nail Clippers, for cutting your wire.
A selection of Drill Bits, usually 2.0 and 2.5 diameter for making your coils.
A Small Cross Head and Flat Head screwdriver.
A Pair of Tweezers
As good a pair of scissors as you can find. THESE are worth spending money on as a decent pair will save hours of frustrations.
Then you'll need some wire? Look no further than
https://www.stealthvape.co.uk If you have any questions about what you'll need, just drop a PM to
@stealthvape and Rob will help you out.
MTL to learn your building skills? I'd suggest that you have a look for a secondhand Clone Kayfun Lite Plus, as that will give you a superb grounding in building and also is renowned for it's flavour production. OR............ A Clone of a TaifunGT2 both of these are more or less the grandfathers of everything else that followed in terms of Deck design, so get to grips with either and you'll be ready for most that will follow.