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new vamo battery


May 2, 2013
I bought the vamo a while back and am now thinking to grab some batteries as spares but the further i dig the more and more information seems to contradict and am now at a point where i am totally :5:.

From what i understand the vamo v2 requires unprotected battieres only with something called imr? so whats that all about? protected appear to be cheaper and hardly find anything about imr.

Fast discharge is another thing i keep reading, are all unprotected imr batteires fast discharge 10 batteries which is just neglected to be mentioned on some vendor sites?

lastly, prices seem to vary greatly from £5 for a pair to £20 each admittedly they seem to vary in size, seen some at 2000mAH and some upo the 3100mAH mark do you really pay for what you get?

I am specifically looking to get 2 new 18650's for an all day use if the price matters (in terms of quality), i dont mind paying extra and obviously if i can get an even longer lasting 3000mAH then all the btter.

Can anyone help answer the above and point me in the direction of a trusted vendor?
There is a vendor who is part of UKV, Torchythebatteryboy... well respected for his supply of batteries to vapers :D

He also sells here on Ebay, excellent service and good prices

I bought a charger, 18350's and 18650's from him for my Vamo when I first got it and the batteries are still going well 2 months later

Vamo are better with unprotected batteries as they already have a PCB which will stop the device working when a battery gets to 3.2v and needs to be charged, using protected batteries (who have their own PCB) can cause a conflict in the Vamo

There is a thread about batteries but I can't seem to find it just now, check the 'Wiki' link above.
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thankyou. made a purchase, and wiki answered the other questions, dont know why but i always forget about that wiki
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