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Newbie - Bournemouth


Apr 14, 2014
Hi there,

Having previously lurked in the background I decided to take the (not so massive) leap today and join. Being a techie and having always been into tech/gadgets etc. I went straight for a VV Mod rather than building my way up slowly. I got it from a local vaping shop (we have a couple of them here) but any advice on a second setup or spares appreciated.

I guess apart from general advice, any advice on where and what liquid to go for would be handy - the local shop only have a couple of makes so the flavour choice is limited.

:2thumbsup: Hello there!!! Have a browse through the vendors on the Discount code section on here, plenty of good stuff and decent savings as well!!!
Welcome ! You have made the right decision to take the leap haha !

Any advice you need or anything just shout :)

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