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Newbie - First Ecig Advice

100% Vg are normally best for dripping. personally i wouldnt risk it as i struggled at first with 80vg.

if your after a mouth to lung tank then i would go for the full size nautilus as its only £1 more and much easier to open the base
mini http://www.dnavapes.com/collections/tanks-and-clearomisers/products/aspire-nautilus-mini
full size http://www.dnavapes.com/collections/tanks-and-clearomisers/products/aspire-nautilus
Thanks. I'll have a look now and get one ordered up. It will be handy to take out too rather than blowing huge clouds :/ Is the full size nautilus better than the nautilus X ?
ive not got the nautilusX so cant answer that one. maybe @Joe 90 can advise on the X as i know hes got one.

i find the bigger nautilus a lot easier to unscrew to fill up or change the coil. much better grip on the base.

Thanks. I'll have a look now and get one ordered up. It will be handy to take out too rather than blowing huge clouds :/ Is the full size nautilus better than the nautilus X ?
I have the nautilus mini and the nautilus x. Personally I find the mini much better than the x. For me the mini gives a better taste and airflow. Can't speak for the full size Nautilus yet as I haven't tried that one.....yet
I think i'll have to pick up another 2 Samsung batteries aswell.... These 2 are barely lasting 24hours
I think i'll have to pick up another 2 Samsung batteries aswell.... These 2 are barely lasting 24hours
LOL.. I had to chuckle at this.. It takes me 4 to get 24 hours on. I know the guy at the vape shop carries 8 with him. (but he mostly uses a mech)
LOL.. I had to chuckle at this.. It takes me 4 to get 24 hours on. I know the guy at the vape shop carries 8 with him. (but he mostly uses a mech)
One other thing i've noticed is I don't seem to be getting much flavour anymore. Are E Juices full of flavour or is it just an undertone?
plenty of flavor for me. its all down to the juice you are using.
in the crown 2 at the moment ive got ethos crispy treats but also use milk mole by mole juice, pancake man, french dude all at 50-55watts.
also had lots of other custards and fruits and they all have decent flavor.
One other thing i've noticed is I don't seem to be getting much flavour anymore. Are E Juices full of flavour or is it just an undertone?
first things first ............... well done on the avatar:D

secondly if youve found the flavour has suddenly dropped away could be the dreaded vapers tongue...... most of us struggle with it early on. There are a number of solutions..... vape something mentholy, try drinking strong coffee alongside your vape, or try some mouthwash. Decent juice should have plenty of flavour and its what we are all after but as with everything its all subjective

oh and thirdly ................................. FTM;)
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