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Newbie - First Ecig Advice

I mainly use 50/50 in mouth to lung tanks but manabush is 50/50 and I use in both, just prefer in mouth to lung as it makes it last longer.

the main reason people use higher vg in sub tanks is mainly for the clouds so its just through personal choice but theres many on here that still only use 50/50 in all their tanks.
Another reason for using high VG content in sub ohm set ups.. is the throat hit from PG. I generally use 20pg/80vg for my vaping, but I use close to 100% VG for cloud chasing and tricks. (It's a hobby.. something I started doing mostly to get my mind off cigarettes in the beginning) I also use 0 nicotine in my 100%VG juice. I might add some nicotine later, but it will only be about half what i normally vape at. (1.5mg instead of 3mg) and lower it gradually.

Oh so the original point was.. 50/50 in a sub ohm set up might be a bit harsh on the throat, just the same as 3mg is lots vs 12-18mg for mouth to lung. In other words.. your clouds will be bigger so you dose per puff will be bigger. To be honest, with the set up I am running now, even 20/80 is a bit harsh. Now if you only use mouth to lung, 50/50 might be ok. But if you find it harsh on the throat and lungs.. change to a higher VG ratio.
when I gave up 18 months ago I was on Blu liquid which is 100% PG and I was on 18mg in their pen type and also used it in my first sub ohm tank the subtank mini at 22watts. I guessing that's a world of difference though to todays beasty tanks that don't get going until you hit 50watts.
it was defo more of a throat hit than the higher VG but in no way unpleasant.
when I gave up 18 months ago I was on Blu liquid which is 100% PG and I was on 18mg in their pen type and also used it in my first sub ohm tank the subtank mini at 22watts. I guessing that's a world of difference though to todays beasty tanks that don't get going until you hit 50watts.
it was defo more of a throat hit than the higher VG but in no way unpleasant.
It's all in how you build it. I've built toptank mini rda builds to run on 9 to 16 volts on an e-cig battery. lol. Why? Because I could. (plus i could vape while my mod was charging. )
I can get a drip tank running at the same power level too. LOL wont be huge clouds.. but it will work
totally depends on wattage and how many drags you take a minute and how long you inhale for. the more the hotter it gets.
totally depends on wattage and how many drags you take a minute and how long you inhale for. the more the hotter it gets.
Probably around 3 seconds and off the belt for around 5-10mins. With the crown coil it didn't get this hot though... just wanted to make sure it was safe. Also i've noticed with the Rafale coil the draw is more airy so I have to close the air holes a little, not an issue though :D
don't worry about that, its safe.
worry when it gets so hot your finger immediately combust into flames or your fingernails drop of and your flesh melts. then we may be a little concerned.
only a little though.
don't worry about that, its safe.
worry when it gets so hot your finger immediately combust into flames or your fingernails drop of and your flesh melts. then we may be a little concerned.
only a little though.
I found another e juice I would like to try but it is 100% VG. Will that be ok in the crown tank or would I need a different tank?
Also, I think i'll pick up a MTL tank. Is the best MTL tank the nautilus mini?
I found another e juice I would like to try but it is 100% VG. Will that be ok in the crown tank or would I need a different tank?
Also, I think i'll pick up a MTL tank. Is the best MTL tank the nautilus mini?
Doesn't the juice vendor let you choose your pg/vg content? Most do at checkout.
Failing that, you can always add a few drops of distilled water or pg to thin it out if it is to thick. Some flavors will actually thin the vg. I have flavors that have to be mixed 20% flavor/80% VG (I use vg) only way to know is to try it.
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