Hi everyone
I have been a twenty-a-day smoker (of roll-ups for the last few years due to cost) for years. I currently live in France but on a recent trip back to the UK visited the Totally Wicked store in Southampton, talked to the lovely chappie in there, and bought myself a Tornado Titan Tank, along with the regular Tobacco liquid at 18mg. I have to say that it was the best thing I ever did. I set it all up the following day and have not smoked a real cigarette since. I seem to have found the right equipment and the right liquid at the first attempt. Today is my 30th day without having had a real cigarette. A few days after I bought my Tornado, my husband realised that it was working for me, and bought himself the same set up. He has now been cig-free for twenty three days. The only thing is that we are getting through more liquid than we expected to, but I hope that we can ease off soon once the novelty has worn off; we seem to be vaping like there's no tomorrow! Luckily, Totally Wicked will post out to France. We will buy another Tornado each, just as back-up because we don't want to be without if our existing ones pack up.
An added bonus for me is that I had the most horrendous cough while smoking the real thing, and that disappeared within four days, and I feel so much better.
I tell everyone I meet about vaping and, so far, have managed to get another four people to try it, and none of them has gone back to real cigs.
This looks like a great forum!