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Hi everyone

I have been a twenty-a-day smoker (of roll-ups for the last few years due to cost) for years. I currently live in France but on a recent trip back to the UK visited the Totally Wicked store in Southampton, talked to the lovely chappie in there, and bought myself a Tornado Titan Tank, along with the regular Tobacco liquid at 18mg. I have to say that it was the best thing I ever did. I set it all up the following day and have not smoked a real cigarette since. I seem to have found the right equipment and the right liquid at the first attempt. Today is my 30th day without having had a real cigarette. A few days after I bought my Tornado, my husband realised that it was working for me, and bought himself the same set up. He has now been cig-free for twenty three days. The only thing is that we are getting through more liquid than we expected to, but I hope that we can ease off soon once the novelty has worn off; we seem to be vaping like there's no tomorrow! Luckily, Totally Wicked will post out to France. We will buy another Tornado each, just as back-up because we don't want to be without if our existing ones pack up.

An added bonus for me is that I had the most horrendous cough while smoking the real thing, and that disappeared within four days, and I feel so much better.

I tell everyone I meet about vaping and, so far, have managed to get another four people to try it, and none of them has gone back to real cigs.

This looks like a great forum!

Hiya and welcome to the forum :)
Bonjour TeaRose! Well done for quitting and for sharing with others. I'd second the idea of getting a back-up, it's even suggested that you get a back-up of your back-up!! This is a great place to learn all about vaping, so enjoy!!
I've had such a warm welcome from so many people, so thank you all!

MadTZ- so far, it's not banned in public but likely to be at some point soon. It will become just another tiresome bit of red tape here! Having said that, we have our house for sale and will move back to the UK as soon as we can. France is great for holidays but not so good for living in!

Purplefowler - a friend has just bought an e-cig from the local tabac, and he gets his juice there, too. I don't know for how much longer they will be able to sell it here (see my reply to MadTZ) but, so far, the tabacs here are quite keen to get in on the act, to keep its customers. It's good to know that I can go there to buy juice if we run out and are in a hurry for it.

I have just placed an order with Totally Wicked for a back-up each for my OH and me, a mains charger (we already have a USB one but could do with being able to charge two batteries at once), and 90mls of liquid. Until this Friday, Totally Wicked (UK) has 25% off its products, so I thought it was the perfect time to order!

This really is a great forum, and I shall recommend it to fellow vapers!
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