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newbie new tank advice

I find that up to 2.4/2.5ohms on the kanger tanks are still fine with a fixed voltage eGo
The coil gets hotter the lower the ohms,so using a higher ohm coil will result in less vapour & the eGo will struggle sooner.
when i was first starting and using an ego my first up grade was a kanger evod running at around 2.4 ohms and the change in flavor was massive. it only took about a week to upgrade to a ego vv and that made it even better again. I would look at getting an evod ( make sure its a kanger and from a trusted seller) and if you dont want to get in to mods at the mo i would think about an ego twist or a vision spinner. they are both very cheap and will give you a basic amount of vv and trust me you will thank me for this advise when the squid ink starts to taste much better then on the standard egos. im sure people will agree with me here. the twist and spinner are very cheap and so is the evod so you are looking at about 25 queens heads for the both i would think.
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when i was first starting and using an ego my first up grade was a kanger evod running at around 2.4 ohms and the change in flavor was massive. it only took about a week to upgrade to a ego vv and that made it even better again. I would look at getting an evod ( make sure its a kanger and from a trusted seller) and if you dont want to get in to mods at the mo i would think about an ego twist or a vision spinner. they are both very cheap and will give you a basic amount of vv and trust me you will thank me for this advise when the squid ink starts to taste much better then on the standard egos. im sure people will agree with me here. the twist and spinner are very cheap and so is the evod so you are looking at about 25 queens heads for the both i would think.

ok thank you. could you point me in the right direction for an evod/kanger at all please? from a good uk vendor :)
Hi x19silent79x if you are interested I have an iClear 30 tank. Imho they are great but as I have two of them I can afford to let one go. It has not been used that much to be honest, I will clean it and install a new fresh coil for you, yours for £6 which I think is reasonable. Now for the small print if you are interested:grin2:. If not then let me know and I will put the offer up in the relevant section.
You visit the give away and charity section. You choose a worthy cause and contact the appropriate thread starter explaining what is happening. Once you have done that and made a payment PM me your address details. The person doing the charity must contact me via PM and notify me you have made the donation of £6. , once I recieve that notification I will post it off for you.
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generous offer my friend....unfortunately I don't get my wages till the end of the month and I am watching the pennies atm :s
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