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Jan 9, 2019
Hi there my hubbies has just bought me a aspire zelos 50w but I just don’t get the letters, bypass temperature etc the instructions tell u how to change the settings but not what there for or what recommended settings are I’ve seen a post on wattage for 0.7 & 1.8 I’m using 0.7 at the minute can anyone help please
Don't worry about the other settings, just stick with wattage mode, the coils should have a range printed on them, or on the packet. Not sure about the 0.7's, but I'd start at about 15 watts, and gradually move up or down till you find the vape that suits you.
Don't worry about the other settings, just stick with wattage mode, the coils should have a range printed on them, or on the packet. Not sure about the 0.7's, but I'd start at about 15 watts, and gradually move up or down till you find the vape that suits you.
Ok thanks will do that
Hi Lisa and welcome to the planet.
As said, stick with wattage mode.
1.8 set between 10-14watts
0.7 set between 18-23w

TC is for the more advanced user and uses special wire on the coils made of nickel or titanium.

I started on a zelos as well. I’d recommend the 0.7 coil to start and set it at 20w. Depending on how much you smoked you’ll then need to decide on the nicotine strength of your eliquid. I smoked 15-20 per day and found 12mg nic worked for me. Smoke it like you did a ciggie and feel free to bang away as much as you like until the craving goes.

Any further questions about the zelos post them here and I’ll do my best to answer.

Oh, and the other posters are right - run it in watts mode. You don’t need to worry about the other settings
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