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Nicotine causing horrible taste?


Jun 22, 2015
Hey guys. Need a bit of help from the mixology crew please.

I've recently encountered a horrible taste that seems to appear in every liquid I make. I would describe it as... undescribable. I've heard everything from "cheesy" to "burnt" but I would just describe it as "sh*t" and a huge bloody annoyance!

The only common denominator here as far as I can see is the nicotine - it's Dark Star 72mg in PG in the original white opaque plastic bottle it came in. I've had it about a month or two and I leave it in my cupboard - it does get fairly warm in there as it's next to the airing cupboard (VG & PG is also stored in there). I've had multiple different brands previously (including Dark Star) that were fine and never encountered this problem.

Questions - has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions based on what I've said above as to what the cause is? e.g. bad storage of ingredients? If nothing I did wrong, was it a one off bad batch or has anyone had funny tasting stuff from Dark Star (or any other supplier) before?

I'm sure this is most likely something I've done wrong so I'm not accusing Dark Star of anything!! As I said I had a perfectly fine batch before. Just an honest enquiry as I want to avoid this disgusting taste!
Are you using flavour concentrates that have been Ok in the past?
Mix a zero nic batch and see if it is the same taste - that will tell you if the nic is to blame (or tank, flavour, VG etc.)
I could see that arguement, yeah!

Are you using flavour concentrates that have been Ok in the past?
Yes, and I've also used new orders of the same flavours and other brands in that time and it's still got this same taste in every flavour from strawberry to bourbon!

Mix a zero nic batch and see if it is the same taste - that will tell you if the nic is to blame (or tank, flavour, VG etc.)
I do need to do that to be honest. The only reason I haven't is that in my head I'm thinking it just cannot be the VG or PG (...right??) so it must be nicotine. Also, I've opened new bottles of VG and PG since then so I know it's not those. RE: tanks - they've been used by myself in several different tanks all with fresh coils multiple times and in other people's tanks as well.

/cry - this is killing me. I just want to get to the bottom of it so I can be done with it!
If it's a peppery taste then the nic is gone. Storing it in a warm cupboard isn't the best, most of us store ours in the freezer.
Likely to be the nic ... but you cannot rule out bad VG either yet.
Try vaping some neat VG to see if the taste is there or not ... it should be blandly sweet ... or sweetly bland ... ;)

If your nic is off you should be able to smell the pepperiness, but a mix without nic (after ruling out your VG as the culprit) would be the sure way.
Thank you guys. I'd read a lot of people saying that nicotine was basically impossible to let "go bad" but I didn't think that sounded right at all ! agree it must be the warm temperature in the cupboard which has set it off. In fact, looking inside the bottle now I would say this has got a reddish hue now as well so it's definitely the nicotine and I can smell what you're saying about the pepperyness. Ah well, you live and learn! Think I might have to invest in a second, smaller fridge/freezer for this stuff. Long!!
Thank you guys. I'd read a lot of people saying that nicotine was basically impossible to let "go bad" but I didn't think that sounded right at all ! agree it must be the warm temperature in the cupboard which has set it off. In fact, looking inside the bottle now I would say this has got a reddish hue now as well so it's definitely the nicotine and I can smell what you're saying about the pepperyness. Ah well, you live and learn! Think I might have to invest in a second, smaller fridge/freezer for this stuff. Long!!
Don't be fooled by colour, good nic can still be that reddish/brown colour. If your ever unsure then just mix up a small 5ml batch to test.
Don't be fooled by colour, good nic can still be that reddish/brown colour. If your ever unsure then just mix up a small 5ml batch to test.
Definately. I've got some Darkstar nic that has taken on a pinkish hue, but it is fine.
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