Are your rollies tipped or un-tipped?
Welcome to the planet @RogueMechanik.
I would just like to add, that I was a 20+ rollie smoker (30+ years).
I started vaping at 18mg, found that fine. But it still took me 5 weeks to stop rollie's all together.
Having the odd rollie while making the change, is not a crime. Some peeps that I have met, still have the old rollie, even after 5/6 months.
And best of luck on your journey into a whole new way of life.
I'd definitely recommend 24mcg if you were on untipped, but YMMV as they say. Good luckCheers everyone for the advice.... and they are untipped reevo...
I was on 20 a day and I used to make tips with rolled cardboard I'm using 24mg and love it