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Not New - but very carefully used!

Thanks for all the replies of welcome. To answer a couple of questions asked...beginning with "G" was Gamucci, the most recent one with same thread as the "Elite" series. If you've been a pipe smoker, they are too low in nicotine as a starter. As for the pipe mods - the fact that I get on perfectly well without proves to me that it was not the pipe I was hooked on but the nicotine and its strength. I think I said I'd started at 3.6%. I am now down to about 1% so am feeling very self satisfied! Also I have not used any tobacco flavours in my mixes - only fruit and spices. So know that it was not the flavour of any tobacco that had me cornered. My breathing continues to improve and, as my sense of taste improves, I'm having to weaken the flavouring added in the mixes. All in all a very interesting experiment!
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