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Nurses to get a pay rise of 1%

No security in a private let, none whatsoever, you are at the mercy of the landlords circumstances..... only the council and ownership provides safe reassurance..... what are folks to do....Im fked if I know.
not when the majority of houses in a certain area end up privately owned and then the people who bought them from the council sell them on for a tidy profit once the area increases in the desirability stakes. a terrible and 100% thatcher tory ideological scheme to destroy social housing and divide and atomise communities.

That's what i mean it shouldn't be allowed to happen, same with folks buying council homes to rent out, the tenant buys the house for the landlord in the long run or pays for a large chunk of it, then the Landlord sells it making a huge profit as the property prices will have increased over time. Greed and selfishness are more so than ever these days, it makes me wonder what the world will be like in 20 years time, when 40-50 year olds become pensioners. I reckon it will be even more dangerous times as the housing situation worsens with folks living longer on average and the growth in population.
No security in a private let, none whatsoever, you are at the mercy of the landlords circumstances..... only the council and ownership provides safe reassurance..... what are folks to do....Im fked if I know.

a lot of this is because people don’t understand their rights (especially in scotland). most folk think if they don’t comply with a landlord letter telling them to scarper in 4 weeks they’ll end up with polis and sheriff officers at the door. add to this that many landlords are scumbags. it’s no good.
The other problem is LHA rate doesn't cover the cost of private renting.

£373.96pm is the 1 bed LHA rate where we live. Cheapest 1 bed flat I found months ago was £380pm. While the difference of £6.04pw doesn't sound much, if someone is on UC that's a lot each week out of not much. (I know discretionary housing benefits are available to top it up, not everyone does and it's not guaranteed)

£473.72pm LHA rate for a 2 bed property where we live.

It is cheaper to pay a mortgage each month provided the deposit can be saved up, however that also takes a few years.
Then there's the cost of maintaining the property, but in theory the difference saved by not renting should be saved to cover it, after all if someone is used to paying more they've not had that extra money from their income.

I do think enough council / HA properties have been sold off and it's time that door was closed, it's long overdue.
Back to the original question. How can the 1% pay "rise" be anything but an insult... particularly after encouraging everyone to go out clapping on the street, because they're so "valuable"? Pfft.

I agree that - compared to some folk - they're lucky to have a job. But that doesn't mean we should cut their wages too, otherwise it's just a race to the bottom.
It's like going round to your mate's house who's just lost his job and moaning that you didn't get a pay rise this year.

Know what he'll say? "At least you still have your job you miserable selfish twat"

Deep down he knows you deserve a pay rise, you've worked hard, you deserve it... but he doesn't want to hear it right now. He doesn't want to hear 'when society wins were all winning' when he can't feel any less optimistic about his situation.

i think people who have lost their jobs might still support nhs staff getting a wage rise, which is a bit different than this individual case you have proposed. if i had lost my job during the lockdown, for example, i would still be saying, nhs workers should get a decent wage rise.
i think people who have lost their jobs might still support nhs staff getting a wage rise, which is a bit different than this individual case you have proposed. if i had lost my job during the lockdown, for example, i would still be saying, nhs workers should get a decent wage rise.

as I said.

...and while they might agree with any pay rise they are given...

Sorry, it's my fault for not being clear enough in my original post that Maws seemed to not understand either. Of course almost everyone thinks that doctors and nurses should have a decent wage... who wouldn't.

That's not what I was commenting on. The people around me who have lost jobs and more over the last year, don't want to hear people moaning about others not getting a big enough wage rise right now. It's a simple as that, you can think they are terrible people if you want, I don't really care, but I don't think 'suck it up buttercup' is the right response.
as I said.

Sorry, it's my fault for not being clear enough in my original post that Maws seemed to not understand either. Of course almost everyone thinks that doctors and nurses should have a decent wage... who wouldn't.

That's not what I was commenting on. The people around me who have lost jobs and more over the last year, don't want to hear people moaning about others not getting a big enough wage rise right now. It's a simple as that, you can think they are terrible people if you want, I don't really care, but I don't think 'suck it up buttercup' is the right response.

aye, i maybe read your post out of context.
The other problem is LHA rate doesn't cover the cost of private renting.

£373.96pm is the 1 bed LHA rate where we live. Cheapest 1 bed flat I found months ago was £380pm. While the difference of £6.04pw doesn't sound much, if someone is on UC that's a lot each week out of not much. (I know discretionary housing benefits are available to top it up, not everyone does and it's not guaranteed)

£473.72pm LHA rate for a 2 bed property where we live.

It is cheaper to pay a mortgage each month provided the deposit can be saved up, however that also takes a few years.
Then there's the cost of maintaining the property, but in theory the difference saved by not renting should be saved to cover it, after all if someone is used to paying more they've not had that extra money from their income.

I do think enough council / HA properties have been sold off and it's time that door was closed, it's long overdue.

One thing councils do, If a person goes onto High rate Pip they try to make you pay towards your rent. They have no right to use non means tested benefits in their "calculation". I have had these excuses for not paying the DHP. You spend more than is acceptable on fuel, I use what i use. Apparently i spend to much on food a week, being diabetic it does cost that little bit extra for some items. You can't save for XMas or incase something happens like your fridge brakes. You have to get into debt for those. They want folks to go on budgeting courses so they can take what you can cut back on. If i want to budget to save then i will keep that money for when it is needed.
My Council even broke data protection to try and find a way to take money, phoned my ex wife to question her about my DHP claim. Needless to say i did get DHP in the end because the housing manager knew i could take the Council to court and win, i will now play the council at their own game, i have the evidence to take them to court so i will point it out every year when they try to find an excuse.
Right to buy is one of the best schemes going for people who would otherwise struggle to buy. I rent before anyone says anything. I think everyone should be buying not renting but it's a con job. It's a way of fleecing someone so they have nothing to leave their kids. Think hard about it. A couple spend thousands and don't own where they live all their hard earned money has gone with nowt to show for it. Stop Blaming buyers a lot of them buy for the reason i just gave. My Nan payed rent for 50 years she remembers the properties being built cost was probably in the lower thousands if not hundreds of pounds back then. My Nan payed well over the price for her flat before she even purchased it but at least she got there and that meant my Ma and Aunt got something when Nan passed away. There is a lot more to why folks buy and The problem behind your argument is not buyers, it's the councils for not replacing the houses sold, after all they have made a profit on all those homes built 50 or more years ago. It is similar to the rich dodging tax except the councils are dodging building homes after they have made money selling some homes off.
One thing councils do, If a person goes onto High rate Pip they try to make you pay towards your rent. They have no right to use non means tested benefits in their "calculation". I have had these excuses for not paying the DHP. You spend more than is acceptable on fuel, I use what i use. Apparently i spend to much on food a week, being diabetic it does cost that little bit extra for some items. You can't save for XMas or incase something happens like your fridge brakes. You have to get into debt for those. They want folks to go on budgeting courses so they can take what you can cut back on. If i want to budget to save then i will keep that money for when it is needed.
My Council even broke data protection to try and find a way to take money, phoned my ex wife to question her about my DHP claim. Needless to say i did get DHP in the end because the housing manager knew i could take the Council to court and win, i will now play the council at their own game, i have the evidence to take them to court so i will point it out every year when they try to find an excuse.
Right to buy is one of the best schemes going for people who would otherwise struggle to buy. I rent before anyone says anything. I think everyone should be buying not renting but it's a con job. It's a way of fleecing someone so they have nothing to leave their kids. Think hard about it. A couple spend thousands and don't own where they live all their hard earned money has gone with nowt to show for it. Stop Blaming buyers a lot of them buy for the reason i just gave. My Nan payed rent for 50 years she remembers the properties being built cost was probably in the lower thousands if not hundreds of pounds back then. My Nan payed well over the price for her flat before she even purchased it but at least she got there and that meant my Ma and Aunt got something when Nan passed away. There is a lot more to why folks buy and The problem behind your argument is not buyers, it's the councils for not replacing the houses sold, after all they have made a profit on all those homes built 50 or more years ago. It is similar to the rich dodging tax except the councils are dodging building homes after they have made money selling some homes off.

in england councils only get 1/3 of the money raised from right to buy sales (right to buy no longer exists in scotland). the legislation also doesn’t put any obligation on councils to build houses to replace those sold. as i said above it is a thatcherite tory policy designed to destabilise communities and wreck social housing stock. while it has had a positive effect for some individual people who bought the houses it has had an overwhelmingly detrimental effect on poor communities.
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