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Oh my goodness, it's like another language!

Welcome @Sean1974 great intro, difficult question!! Would suggest you don't jump straight at the high end mod, plenty great choices out there but if it was me I would probably look at a SVD or Vamo and a protank, I have owned or own these and found they were great compared to the ecig likes but you will probably get a 1000 different suggestions, the best advice is don't throw a ton of money without research, check you tube on any item you fancy and throw the question about it on the forum.

:lies: No not really, that is some sound advice. Welcome to the planet and it is good you have woke up to the fact you need to quit the analogues. Taking things slowly is the best way forward imo. Hear is my two penneth. If I had known at the beginning what I had learnt a week or so after starting vaping, I would have perhaps gone for a decent VV/VW mod. Plenty of them about that will not break the bank, as an example even a small variable such as the vision spinner can be had for a good price. I wont make any suggestions as to which one you should buy because you may prefer one shape over another. Having a variable voltage will help you custom adjust the quality of vapour and flavour. As for an atomiser tank, again it will be what you think suites regards to size,shape and how much it holds. The iclear 30 tanks for example work well straight out of the box. Check out if there are any vaping shops in your area as they are popping up more frequently now. Getting your hands on something and getting some first hand advice cannot be beaten. Check out the vendors in the POTV market place, if you see anything you fancy then come back for some opinions.
+1 on Markfletcher007, An SVD is a good choice, teamed with a protank or an iClear30, get 2 or three of the Tanks if you can, that way you can have more than one juice on the go. Dont be too ready to rush in and buy the expensive stuff as in this admittedly slightly unusual case sometimes the cheap stuff can be just as good...

Another +1 , vaping is quite different from smoking and no one set up suits everyone just like some smokers like straights others rollies etc etc, have a dabble and find out what suits you, we've all brought juice or something that we hoped was brilliant but turns out its not for us only to have the man ( or woman) next to us think it's great. Trial and error is the way forward, just don't give up lots of help and advice here

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A mod is a tube which you can put rechargeable batteries into. It lasts longer at fits bigger atomizers better. Also, the variable voltage / wattage mods can usually measure volts and ohms as well.
I would suggest that you got a Zmax mod or similar along with a intellicharger and maybe 3 or 4 batteries. That should do for the expensive parts of an e cig.
Then get a protank or similar, a cartotank with cartomizers, an iclear30 and maybe 1-2 other atomizers. That should do for a couple of atomizers for comparison. Many of os have gone through a lot of gear to find what we like most.

On top of that, get at least 3-4 different flavoured e juices. If you havent tried vaping before, i would suggest a nicotine strength between 12 and 18 mg/ml.

The zmax, batteries and charger should be keepers, and the mizers and juice are cheaper things that can be changed.

Dont worry if you dont kick the ciggies immediately. It took me a month both vaping and smoking before i quit the stinkies

Good luck
One of the most informative videos I could find for beginners without it being too techy. Perhaps others can suggest something better.

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Your not dumb, it is mind boggling to start with!

I think Innokin products are pretty good and make very good "starter" products.

I'm currently using an Innokin I-taste v2 battery in favour of my Pro-vari (it's a variable voltage/wattage battery) with an Evod I've recoiled with a micro coil and cotton wick.

Now, the I-taste v3 is a slim battery and suits the Evod well, and (if you want) you can buy replacement heads rather than recoil your old ones (5 for about 7 quid).

It will give you a decent vape without being to complicated and shouldn't leak.

In your shoes, I'd buy 2 v3's and at least 2 Evods so you always have one on charge and can try different juices.

Start with juices at about 18mg (nic content).

Failing that buy a Pro-vari, a Spheroid, a charger, wick and wire and a couple of 18650 batteries (knowing what I do now I wish I had)!!!
One thing is for sure. Soon you'll have lots of shiny things that vape just how you want. Hang on in there and ask questions. We are all happy to help and have been where you are. ;-)
Sorry but you've got to do the 'leg work' and research a bit because one size doesn't fit all in this game.But the research is part of the fun and you will get great advice along the way from a friendly community.Personally my first mod was a sigelei zmax v3 telescopic,( and I still love it) with a couple of protanks.Looks good ,well built,easy to use and has not let me down.Good luck!..it will be worth it!
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Hi @Sean1974, you sound so like me when I made the switch. I was so desperate to get off the fags, and figured I'll buy the best, - buy once and cry once. Didn't care how much it cost me, I would find the money from somewhere...
At the time a provari was and still is by many , -extremely well regarded, and I launched myself straight in and bought one within about 2 weeks of vaping..
And then,.....what you begin to realise is that you may want a little pv for this occasion or something else for that, and then shiny iris strikes and you buy one just because you like it..Generally, whatever you do, -you still end up lashing out for different types of mods that take your fancy, even more so now that you have found POTV :D
TBH I ended up selling mine ,my advice would be set yourself a budget, 50/60 quid is more than enough to get yourself set up with a good quality set up first time round.
The above suggestions are all good, but as I guess you've found out already,-opinions differ!
Good luck! and welcome

edit: stuffin autocorrect! Grr shiny iris? I meant shinyitis :(
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i posted this before so will just copy and paste from my other post ( so much easier )

to try and make it simpler there are in essence 4 types of electronic cig.
1. disposable cigolikes.. the kind of thing you see in petrol stations and the like.. look like a cig, e-lites being the common one. basic couple of hundred puffs then throw away one part and screw on another bit for another couple of hundred puffs. most are bloody horrible and can put you off vaping!
2. EGO's.. self contained battery units with a removable top section where the liquid goes. these generally are the ones under the £30 price range, can come in a variety of colours and some have a few extra features like USB pass through charging or adjustable voltage via a little dial ( vision spinner for instance). generally between 350 -1300 MAH power and they take screw on top part which can be an atomizer, cartomizer, clearmizer etc for your juice. some of them you can use for about a month then throw away ( ce3's ) others can have rebuildable coils.
main thing is the EGO style battery is a rechargable self contained basic unit.

3. VV/VW mods these are variable voltage/ variable wattage mods. can come in all shapes and sizes and have adjustable features ( changing wattage and voltage, have puff counter, ohm meter etc.) some are round tubes, some are box shaped mods. some have LCD or LED displays. but essentially the main difference between these and EGO style batteries is the batteries in these units are removable and generally a higher power.

4. last but not least Mech mods. in purest simplest terms, hollow metal tubes with no electrics. they just take a battery ( same as number 3.) but have no fancy electrics and can take a variety of juice tanks on the top. nomrmally for the more advanced vaper as you can with the different juice tanks make your own coils, wicking etc and get low/sub ohms for some big cloud vaping ( main thing to remember is battery section on ego's , VV,s and Mechs are different but all 3 can take the smae type of juice heads/tanks/clearos etc )

basic i know but probably covers 90% of ecigs

ok so now thats out the way, as said buying biggest isnt always the best in ecig world

so your starter i would say bypass the above mentioned egos and look at a variable voltage/variable wattage jobbie

as mentioned vamo, SVD, etc ( be warned there are several variantions of Vamo from 1 through 5 ) and ZMAX ( of which there are two made by different makers , the Innokin itaste, MVP
of the two i prefer the Innokin. then you have Uber high end ( high priced but really doesnt do anything different or better ) things like Provari and provari mini.

MEch mods are somethign to maybe move on later ( alot of people have several mods )

so once decided on your new shiny variable voltage/wattage mod then you need to look at tanks ( the bit that screws on top and holds the juice.
again this is a world of hurt from the off.. basic starter for 10 are clearomizers such as the ce4/ ce5.. dont bother. next up come tanks that are bit bigger and hold a little more juice 3-5ml and can have the coils replaced inside when they get worn out . and then there are full rebuildables where you make your own coils, use SS mesh and wick or cotton wool etc ( genesis style atomizers ) and drippers which are again the more advanced stuff for flavour tasting and the like more or less.

as for whats best.cant tell ya that as i havent tried them all. but id start with maybe a ZMAX or MVP or Similar and something like kanger pro tank or kanger mini tank.
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