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Oily Juice Residue?

Hi @Major Tom and welcome to the planet.

i cant help much on this one as i dont have that kit or use 50/50 juice much but there are plenty of mouth to lung vapours who love this kit so will be along to advise soon.
dinner lady do a great range of juice so nothing to worry about there.
usually juice in mouth is to do with having a flooded coil or overspill into centre chimney when filling the tank.
ill tag a couple to see if they can advise @Simon G @eyeball kid

Hi MrDJ,

Thank you, Really appreciate it!.

mmmm, not sure really ....

vapour isn't like smoke, it's 'wet' in a sense I guess, so more like steam.... and those dinner lady liquids are pretty sweet too which can leave a lingering sweetness that could feel like 'residue' I guess?

You have a good kit (and very easy to use) and suitable liquid, so I'm inclined to suggest it's normal and you'll get used to how it feels vaping instead of smoking.

Hi Simon G,

That makes sense, I haven't really acknowledged that i'm going through changes as I havn't smoked a cig. That shows you how well vaping works, if i've part forgotten im actually quitting now.

Thank you for the message, much apperciated!
Has this happened on more than one coil? How are you priming the coil?
There is an element of getting used to vaping especially with sweet juices like dinner lady, however, if it is spitting then it sounds like the coil could have flooded or there is juice in the centre chamber.
I'd be tempted to empty the tank, take the coil out, get a new coil, put a few drop of liquid in each wicking hole, pop in the tank, fill it up then let it sit for approx 15 mins then try vaping it. If it's the same then it's a case of getting used to it, if it's different then it's the previous coil.

Hi ForestMagpie,

It's happened on both a 0.4 and a 1.6 coil, I have primed both of them, the first one as per instruction manual, dripping a few droplets of juice on the wick and the second one I let sit for 10-15minutes in juice to soak. That's a good tip, I never thought of that, i'll give it ago, at least then i know, after 3 coils its doing the same thing, this is just got to be normal? as if it was changing with every coil that would be a different story, cheers!
As above, it really wouldn't hurt you if you drunk the bottle (not advisable, you will sweat like a pig).
Your probably experiencing the flavour coating your mouth and tastebuds in vapour.
With smoking your used to a very dry smoke inhalation. Obviously eliquid is a liquid mist so will have a different sensation. Add that the flavour is actually pleasant and often sweet, it can seem different.
If your using the zenith within the regulated wattage (I'd keep to the lower end of the coil recommendation for longer life) I can't imagine anything has gone wrong. Very good tank.
doesn't sound flooded or that any issue's have occurred to me. Just the sensation of vape instead of smoke.

Hi Eyeball Kid,

That makes sense, I think that the problem. With smoking im so used to a dull, taste destroying smoke that this is hitting me like a truck. It's so juicy and tasty, its weird to actually taste things again. I've been using the correct wattage, I'll have to just see what a few days does, it might just subside :)

Thank you
Provided you're not getting an excessive amount of raw juice in your mouth you should be fine. As it's producing really nice flavour it sounds like it's working really well.

Vaping doesn't produce smoke, it produces watery steam that carries the flavour and nicotine within it. The more flavour you can taste the more liquid is being carried into your mouth on each puff.

Because you are so new to vaping it's probably a lot to do with your body getting used to a new and different sensation but if you're enjoying the taste I'm sure that feeling will settle down and you'll be just fine.

Hi MarylinC37,

Your probably right, my brain is still conditioned to expect a dry smoke sensation and this is just weird as its tasty. I'll give it a few days, see if it gets any better or worse and go from there :) Thank you
Vg is kind of of oily I suppose, this is what you are probably experiencing.

Hi Rickster,

Yeah I hope its that, I think I just scared myself googling it, its like when you google your health symptoms and your going to die within the next hour. It's probably totally normal, i'll be okay and itll pass after a week! Fingers crossed.

Thank you
Certain juices tend to cover my mouth with a layer, particularly banana milkshake, maybe that's what you are experiencing.

Hi Kevstar,

Your probably right, I was using menthol up until lastnight/today. Now im a fruity flavour, which seems to be more 'oily', its probably use the actual taste, and it tastes good, even if it does feel like im drinking baby oil lol. Hopefully it will pass in a few days!

Dud coil? I don't know how likely that is, but when I worked in a vape shop it did happen, and not just smok coils.

There is a thread here, might be helpful


Hi andi52,

Yeah could be, I'll give it a few days, if it has subsided i'll change the coil again, to see if its changed it or not, if not, then it must just be 'normal' and im taken back by it as im used to cigarette smoke.

Thank you!
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