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Perfect coils dont exi-

*As ive said, I obviously know how to wick an RDA, the question i was asking related more to the design of the RDA and the posts seeming to be in the way of tucking the cotton thus cramping up my RDA and restricting airflow.
*I was applying ohms law because I am building that coil for my stacked mech mod which hasnt arrived yet and only had my reg mod to put it on. *As i explained previously in a reply to someone else i know how to calculate the amps drawn by a regulated mod and the differences in how they work.
*I couldnt find anything regarding which way a battery goes in a stacked mech online, i believed that the positive connected to the negative because of the nicks on the outer tube being the negative of the battery sometimes connecting with the mod case causing misfires and venting among other things such as how the negative must move to the positive to be discharged thus the electrodes ions must move from negative at the bottom battery to positive bottom battery to negative top battery to positive top battery to the 510 connection.

I asked the question because i wanted to be 100% sure i wasnt mistaken in how i understood it worked before throwing batteries wrong into a STACKED mech. Series, parralel and other box mod mechs are easier to understand which way the batteries go...

Sorry mate. Don't believe a word of it.

Enjoy yourself. Just don't go blaming vaping when you blow your teeth out please. Because we did tell you....
As an example, after 5 years of vaping, a few months back I took the jump to mechs, just squonkers at this point. A single vtc5a with a single coil, plain old round wire at 0.5ohm. Now near everyone says this build shouldn't push that particular battery too hard, I'm just cautious, as caution is a vapers friend and that alone has been the advice given to me.
Just to add, an experienced mech user knows what danger signs to look out for, *whilst* vaping.

Do you know how to tell if things are going wrong? How to tell if you have a short? How to tell if you are pushing your battery too hard, vaping too quickly? Why your tube or button is getting hot? Why you are burning your wicks? Why your vape tastes like hot lava? When your battery needs changing before you damage it? Etc etc
I know about batteries and wanted to find a way to measure true voltage for my batteries using a multimeter but because of internal resistance and other factors i didnt want to start doing this and providing false readings and misunderstanding my battery health. I know that if the battery is charging and running out fast there has probably been a considerable drop in voltage and this may be when its time to consider new batteries but as my batteries are brand new i should be able to see when theyve started losing their health whilst using them.
Sorry mate. Don't believe a word of it.

Enjoy yourself. Just don't go blaming vaping when you blow your teeth out please. Because we did tell you....
What exactly is it that you think will cause my batteries to blow up?

Ive clearly shown the calculations and only 24amps will be drawn from my 30amp batteries.
I know to check for nicks and tears when using batteries in a mechanical mod and why you do so.

With 2 fully coated batteries placed in my mech that have 30 amp cont discharge rating ( Purchased from a reputable supplier), the batteties only having 24 amps pulled and with both batteries being brand new what is it you think will cause this device to blow up?

Seems like youre just jumping on a bandwagon saying that i will blow myself up with no actual points to make about how.
As @hol said, I too started mech life with a single cell squonker & RDA & learnt how to "feel" the vape. Know when batteries were sagging, build for flavour as well as a bit of cloudage. It has stood me in good stead as I am now as comfortable building for either set up & build to my needs & more importantly get the most flavour out of my coils & juice & tanks/rdas. If your looking for more surface area try plain flat wire Ni80 (Brochrome) & learn the capabilities of your gear & then expand your coil building skills. The sort of builds/resistance you seem to be aiming for appear to be more in line with competition vapers. These guys have had years of experience.
In answer to your last post re battery blowing up, stressing a battery can/will put it into thermal overload as your changing the chemical makeup of the battery. It's not just shorts that cause this. Unfortunately this isn't always as evident as shorting the battery.
No jumping on the bandwagon here, I've tried to give good advice as has the other contributors.
As @hol said, I too started mech life with a single cell squonker & RDA & learnt how to "feel" the vape. Know when batteries were sagging, build for flavour as well as a bit of cloudage. It has stood me in good stead as I am now as comfortable building for either set up & build to my needs & more importantly get the most flavour out of my coils & juice & tanks/rdas. If your looking for more surface area try plain flat wire Ni80 (Brochrome) & learn the capabilities of your gear & then expand your coil building skills. The sort of builds/resistance you seem to be aiming for appear to be more in line with competition vapers. These guys have had years of experience.
In answer to your last post re battery blowing up, stressing a battery can/will put it into thermal overload as your changing the chemical makeup of the battery. It's not just shorts that cause this. Unfortunately this isn't always as evident as shorting the battery.
No jumping on the bandwagon here, I've tried to give good advice as has the other contributors.

Thankyou. Just a question, will 24amps be overstressing my battery? Taking into account what everyone is saying im going to startoff using the single tubed version of the broadside mech to get a better feel for using mech devices before going with the stackable tube.
Tremendous trolling. Keep it up mate. You've had me wetting myself over loads of threads, bro.
I know about batteries

Yet use rewrapped efests ?

Please listen to some of the more experienced vapers on here

With all these threads you are starting it just seems a bit like a kid in a sweet shop running at it full tilt to impress people with clouds bro clouds
Slow down fella and take the advice without quoting lots of facts proving you are right then asking ‘is it’s safe ?’
We are a safety conscious bunch here
Yet use rewrapped efests ?

Please listen to some of the more experienced vapers on here

With all these threads you are starting it just seems a bit like a kid in a sweet shop running at it full tilt to impress people with clouds bro clouds
Slow down fella and take the advice without quoting lots of facts proving you are right then asking ‘is it’s safe ?’
We are a safety conscious bunch here
I dont use rewrapped efests lol I used LG HB6 batteries from fogstar
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