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PG or VG nicotine

I get mine in VG as if your making 80/20 then mixing flavour @20% the flavour will be the PG with 80% VG so no need to buy PG
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I get mine in PG as if your making 80/20 then mixing flavour @20% the flavour will be the PG with 80% VG so no need to buy PG

Surely, if you are using PG flavour @20%, and then adding 80% VG, you need the nic to be part of the 80% VG? So you use VG nic, yes?
Point taken but I thought I'll put nic by weight first and then use siring for the rest of the mix...
Y'wha? That's ... madness. :D Kinda defeats the benefits of mixing by weight. Those scales look nice, but even if they weighed up to 500g, I think you'd still be better off with the ones Ment linked to because of the much bigger platform which allows you to mix several different juices at the same time.
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1488496826.698179.jpg

Sorry 20% flavour 78% VG and 1.4% NIC to make it 1 mg for my evening vape
I'm looking to DIY in the future and get some 72mg/ml nic very soon, which is why this thread interested me.

Seeing as a lot of flavourings seem to be PG, and flavouring can often account for up to 20% of the final mix, if you get PG nicotine at 72 mg/ml and want to make 70/30 VG/PG juice, you'll not get more than around 7mg/ml nic in your final juice with PG nic.

I've heard that PG nic lasts longer in storage than VG (is that true?).

So if I get PG nic, and want a higher nic content than around 7 mg/ml, i'll be mixing nearer 60/40.
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