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PG or VG nicotine

I'm looking to DIY in the future and get some 72mg/ml nic very soon, which is why this thread interested me.

Seeing as a lot of flavourings seem to be PG, and flavouring can often account for up to 20% of the final mix, if you get PG nicotine at 72 mg/ml and want to make 70/30 VG/PG juice, you'll not get more than around 7mg/ml nic in your final juice with PG nic.

I've heard that PG nic lasts longer in storage than VG (is that true?).

So if I get PG nic, and want a higher nic content than around 7 mg/ml, i'll be mixing nearer 60/40.

There is a thread somewhere that explains if you keep it properly there is very little degradation. Keep your nic in amber bottles in a freezer or fridge turned up to max (I have one in my garage just for nic). As to doing higher PG like a 70/30 vg/pg you can get a seperate bottle of PG, a calc will tell you what you need, for example recipe I just just did needed 191.1g of vg and 0 pg for an 80/20 if I change it to 70/30 it tells me I need 165.9g vg and 20.8g pg.

Easier than vaping on the bog.
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