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PG/VG in concentrates, and nicotine base strength

Heya, there isn't a 'how to use' as such, but let me know what you want to know and I'll see how I can help.

jrob3rts I get the slider for the PG/VG ratio,I get the Juice Name,I get the strength (mg) & Quantity (mls),its the Flavours 1 PG 2 PG etc with a data input line & ends with a %...What do I input on the Flavours lines?

Over on leisureliquids,I use their calculator to create a 50/50 licorice mix,with 10% flavour & 10% distilled water as the dilutant,hit calculate & it tells me the ml to use for each,each time I try to create a mix with POTV app,it gives me a result thats missing any flavour.I get Base Nicotine 3.3/PG 1.7/VG 5.0/Total Flavouring 0%

Edit: I'm an eeejit Rob,just fired up the app to type the above and sat staring at it,I realised why flavour was on 0%...I hadn't fecking added any in the mixing app.Sorry mate :(
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