Etons Mess may well be my favourite from
@pfvapes - revisted tonight, nearly run out! It's the strawberry that does it for me, I love strawberry taste but I am forbidden to eat them :-(
EM was my firm favourite from the off but recently I've been trying all of Stu's flavours and juice from other vendors and my own efforts so EM got neglected!
A while ago, I told Stu I was walking back to the car in a large supermarket car park. It was evening, just after sunset and slightly damp air, the Etons Mess was billowing and hanging in the air as I walked and I had mmmms from at least three complete strangers as I passed! Smells good, tastes good, and by golly ...
At the moment, I am alternating between Etons Mess, Baykwell and Lemon Grab on three setups, vape heaven!
Look forward to your review of Strudle Oodle,