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Please use the Report Button



if you find Spam or any post/thread that is suspect of breaking our rules. By using the report button you alert the entire team so that we can respond quicker to the issue. We don't always get to read every thread and post but we do check our reported post forum regularly.

Replying to the thread doesn't really do anything except bump it to the top of the New Posts, allowing more people the chance of being affected by spam or malicious content.

The report button can be found in the bottom left side of the post, under the user information. It is a light gray triangle with a ! in the center of it.

On Tapatalk / POTV App if you tap the post to highlight it and tap the options button (believe it is upper right hand corner) there is a report option there as well.

It would be a great help to the Mod team if you could use this button versus replying to the threads or posts.

Cheers guys n gals!
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