It really is safer for some people to smoke, you know?
"My upstairs is gutted."
You haven't got anything upstairs, love.
Is it just me or should there be a standard IQ test for some ecig users.
When you think about the millions of rechargeable battery devices out there ... phones, tablets, laptops, toothbrushes, vibrators, torches, toys, kitchen tools, RC Zeppelins, the Sky box zapper, etc ... the mind boggles.If the authorities took the initiative and launched a public information drive to educate people on the safe use of batteries/chargers, we'd have fewer instances of hyped 'steamy stick go bang' stories.
The more cynical amongst us might think that the authorities didn't want the public educated or something.
When you think about the millions of rechargeable battery devices out there ... phones, tablets, laptops, toothbrushes, vibrators, torches, toys, kitchen tools, RC Zeppelins, the Sky box zapper, etc ... the mind boggles.
I know from my own household that overnight, unattended charging takes place EVERY night, often left by bedsides too. Though we all use the correct chargers I wouldn't put it past one of my sons to use anything that fits.
But this is a home where the adults are university educated (not bragging, just saying, we're just as dumb as the next bloke really though we tend to read instructions with our glasses on) so I think there is a central responsibility too ... public information about recharging batteries safely, not specifically ecigs ... god knows what they'd come up with though.
Does ROSPA still exist?
Anyone who has ever worked in retail
Is it just me or should there be a standard IQ test for some ecig users.