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protank dripper


Nov 9, 2013
yes you read that right lol living in the forgotten county i have nowhere to go and look, feel and choose an atty for dripping . so altho ive only been vaping since august i put my brain in to first gear and started to work out how to make my own dripper. well the first attempt was with an old ecig carto thing with guts(wadding) ripped out ouf it, that worked ok was happy with my try x then saw a bulb style dripper ooooo like the look of seeing vape in it . so on good old dead slow tech i had already bought the cheaper glass mini protank (well a few ) and thought nothing ventured nothing gained !!
pulled the heating coil out , wrapped my own with long tail DIDNT put top post back on , primed it and apart from that foul taste u get from diy coil/wicking she is a beauty!!! (taste has finaly gone!)
gotta love a bit of diy lol
has anyone else tried this ?:diy:
I did the same ages ago, but I also put an ego collar over it, then put the drip tip over the metal post on the top :)
good effort there samwich!
I must admit, i have bought an igo-s and it rocks with a micro coil and cotton wool!
For a tenner, get yourself an Igo-L. Easier to coil than the PT too. A good vape and cheaper than ripping apart PTs.
just looked at the igo L looks ok . but would prefer to see it in real life.
The Igo L Is an amazing bit of kit... In fact. using one now :)
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