Spot on Post steffi ,
Personally i don't understand the problem with kids in pubs ,
Pubs have many different faces now , when i was younger and the kids were little i would not have dreamed of taking them to a pub , however pubs had to addapt to survive , too many small pubs have been lost forever due to not moving with the times .
Every small town now has options for everybody,
Take Walton , where our pub is for example , a small seaside town which you can walk round in 20 mins . Six pubs within half a mile of eachother , 3 dirty drink and drug dens where the local hoodlums hang out , real spit and sawdust types , 2 with food available for the more family orientated clientel and the royal british legion club . More than enough choice for everyone , if you want to go for a drink up , get smashed , swear and get violent go to the relevent establishment , if however you want to have a few drinks ,possibly something to eat , laugh and spend some quality time with freinds and family in a safe and freindly enviroment then thats what we provide , it all boils down to common sense really , would i take my kids out if i knew i was going to get on it and get smashed , no i would not .
I actually think that taking children to the correct pubs can teach them great social skills , and teach them to interact with other generations in a general well behaved manor .
Irish pubs ( In ireland) have always welcomed children and families and they have the best craic you'll find in any pub .