I've seen the Hugo squeezer mentioned quite a lot, I wasn't aware that it took both 18650 and 20700 though, I'll have to have a look into it. Hmm, I suppose you get what you pay for and the reason they're cheap is because they're not up to spec.
That's very interesting, I can tell a noticeable difference between 18650 and 20700 batteries. 18650 seems to ramp quicker than the 20700 but sags quite quickly, whereas the 20700 doesn't appear to drop off.
Thanks for the advice. I do find it confusing though that someone one a Facebook group I'm a part of is running dual Ni90 aliens, 5 wraps at 3mm ID and his ramps instantly and produces huge clouds. He barely holds the fire button in as well so I have no idea how he's managing it.
I did a test with my pulse and my friends athena. Here are the results:
Ijoy 20700 - 4.139v
Sony Vtc5a - 4.098v
Pulse with 20700 at 510 - 3.989v
Pulse with vtc5a at 510 - 3.875v
Athena with vtc5a at 510 - 4.094v
To me that shows that the plated copper contacts in the athena are better than the plain copper in the pulse, but not by a huge amount.
I've got a 22g kanthal A1 build in it at the minute, 7 wraps at 3mm ID and it's not too bad, still isn't what I would have expected from a mech if I'm honest, especially when I see some people running crazy dual 19g or 20g flat wire builds and they produce an insane amount of vapour.