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Question: sub ohm mvp2


Aug 16, 2014
I've done my homework I know the MVP will fire down to 0.8ohms. But with a .8 rda on it it's telling me it's putting out 3.9v by my math that's about 20w. 9w more than the MVP can do.. Ok so it's not really putting out 20w it must be capped at 11w right? Well 11w through a .8ohm coil would be 2.9v.. But that would still make the current 3.7a.. Way more than the MVP can put out!? I'm setting the wattage not the voltage btw so it's telling me 3.9v = 11w
On this rda, I'm confused..

Update: just out of curiosity i put my 0.8ohm build on an ego-t.. worked fine.

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I've done my homework I know the MVP will fire down to 0.8ohms. But with a .8 rda on it it's telling me it's putting out 3.9v by my math that's about 20w. 9w more than the MVP can do.. Ok so it's not really putting out 20w it must be capped at 11w right? Well 11w through a .8ohm coil would be 2.9v.. But that would still make the current 3.7a.. Way more than the MVP can put out!? I'm setting the wattage not the voltage btw so it's telling me 3.9v = 11w
On this rda, I'm confused..

Update: just out of curiosity i put my 0.8ohm build on an ego-t.. worked fine.

Sent from my brain using Planet of the Vapes

The MVP is regulated so it wouldn't surpass any of it's limits under any circumstances.

It's true it will fire a 0.8ohm build but will be so restricted it will be a poor vape in comparison to a mech.

It won't surpass it's 3amp limit so will be firing at 2.4v (7.2w).

Coil heat up time will make the build pretty useless and not give a true sub ohm vape.

Also don't try these builds on an ego.
Majority are low quality batteries and straining with these types of builds will cause them to vent / explode.

If you want to try sub ohm then get a decent battery (VTC5 etc) , a suitable mech mod and a good atomizer.

Please don't take this advice lightly, sub ohm and ego batteries should never go hand in hand...
Unfortunatly impatience got the better of me.. my mech mod and rda arrived before the batteries. like i say I've done my homework on this, my issue is why I'm not getting a true output reading from the mvp. if its capping the output then why isn't it giving me accurate output readings? and the max discharge for the ego-T is 5.2a continuous, well within what I'm asking of it.
C'mon man-these guys have real life, hands on experience. The mvp is a great device for vaping down to about 1.1 or 1.2 ohms or so. Egos are entry level and maybe back up for some but aren't intended for more advanced builds. Why not just hold your horses and enjoy lower ohms when your new kit comes? ;-)

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I don't plan on using the MVP for rebuilables. But I WAS going to use it as an ohm reader.. Inaccurate readings are my concern here, and though I may be new to vapeing physics, chemistry and electricity are old friends.

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Unfortunatly impatience got the better of me.. my mech mod and rda arrived before the batteries. like i say I've done my homework on this, my issue is why I'm not getting a true output reading from the mvp. if its capping the output then why isn't it giving me accurate output readings? and the max discharge for the ego-T is 5.2a continuous, well within what I'm asking of it.

I appreciate you've done your homework, but I would never trust an Ego.

Way too many fakes and sub par batteries filtering through the market.

Your life, your call bud, but wait for your better batteries.

Sub ohming on an Ego is a definite no on so many levels mate.

It's your face not mine, just tread with caution.

Battery safety is the number one rule with sub ohming as you are probably aware :)
The MVP ohms reader is adequate for most builds, but as it only reads to one decimal place I think it is best to get a dedicated ohms reader if you want to vape below about 0.5 ohms. The plus/minus becomes to big a doubt as you get lower.
C'mon man-these guys have real life, hands on experience. The mvp is a great device for vaping down to about 1.1 or 1.2 ohms or so. Egos are entry level and maybe back up for some but aren't intended for more advanced builds. Why not just hold your horses and enjoy lower ohms when your new kit comes? ;-)

Sent from my GT-S6810P using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

Wise words from a wise lady :)

100% agree with this ^
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