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Questions about Vaping [newbie here]


Mar 22, 2019

I've been smoking cigarettes for over 10 years now and thought about maybe replacing it with vaping. I tried vaping through my friend's vaper and it felt awesome. There are two questions which I want to know the answers to.

1. How much money would I save If I spend around 20-40 euros monthly on cigarettes (3-6 cigarettes a day)?
2. Cheapest and decent vapers? (Want it to last aprox. 1-2 years)

Any other recommendations would be helpful since I'm only smoked from a friend's vaper, thanks. ^^

I've been smoking cigarettes for over 10 years now and thought about maybe replacing it with vaping. I tried vaping through my friend's vaper and it felt awesome. There are two questions which I want to know the answers to.

1. How much money would I save If I spend around 20-40 euros monthly on cigarettes (3-6 cigarettes a day)?
2. Cheapest and decent vapers? (Want it to last aprox. 1-2 years)

Any other recommendations would be helpful since I'm only smoked from a friend's vaper, thanks. ^^
I have no idea what cigarettes cost these days, but when I quit nearly five ago I was spending well over three grand a year. When I was buying premade juice and coils I was spending £10 -£15 a week and now that I mostly make my own it's even less.

Startup costs can be high and there's always the "shinyitis" to watch out for, but if you're not particularly interested in always having the latest coolest gear you can pick up a basic pod system for around a tenner.
I have no idea what cigarettes cost these days, but when I quit nearly five ago I was spending well over three grand a year. When I was buying premade juice and coils I was spending £10 -£15 a week and now that I mostly make my own it's even less.

Startup costs can be high and there's always the "shinyitis" to watch out for, but if you're not particularly interested in always having the latest coolest gear you can pick up a basic pod system for around a tenner.

Well... I want something that would last me for over a year, maybe 2 years max. Price range could be 0-75 maybe even 80 eur. I heard that the most important thing is the battery of the vaper, so I need something easy to use and chargeable with USB. (I guess, not sure)

And what about Liquids? I'm not sure what to buy, will any liquid suffice?
Hi and welcome to the planet.

as you mentioned euros im guessing you are not in the UK like the majority of us so which country do you live in as it will make a lot of difference as prices vary country to country.
here a pack of cigs is around £10 but some european countries they are as low as £2-3 a pack.

what kit did you try of your friend? ask him for the name of the mod and tank.
there are two main types. mouth to lung just like smoking or direct to lung which is like smoking a bong at much higher wattage and much bigger clouds.

it took me over a year before i started saving as i bought loads of kit and juice (and i mean loads).

the more info you can give the better advise can be given back.
Saving your life is more important than saving a few earos. Now having said that your start up cost will probably more than you spend in the first month. Hope it works for you
Hi and welcome to the planet.

as you mentioned euros im guessing you are not in the UK like the majority of us so which country do you live in as it will make a lot of difference as prices vary country to country.
here a pack of cigs is around £10 but some european countries they are as low as £2-3 a pack.

what kit did you try of your friend? ask him for the name of the mod and tank.
there are two main types. mouth to lung just like smoking or direct to lung which is like smoking a bong at much higher wattage and much bigger clouds.

it took me over a year before i started saving as i bought loads of kit and juice (and i mean loads).

the more info you can give the better advise can be given back.

I live in Latvia, one of the Baltic countries. Here cigarettes cost around 3.5-5 euros. Personally, I just buy Winston - a pack costs 3,80 eur.

My friend used something similar to "iStick Pico Eleaf", not sure tho.(I'm not in contacts with him anymore so Idk) but I remember that we took something like 35-40W and it was a blast xD, damn good clouds.

Also, The iStick Pico eLeaf costs 72 euros so I might just go with that. It's maybe worth mentioning that it has no N.B. battery in the whole package. (not sure if that's important)

Saving your life is more important than saving a few earos. Now having said that your start up cost will probably more than you spend in the first month. Hope it works for you

Too late for that. Been smoking since I was 15 and now I'm 25. I just want to go over the e-cigs so that I could finally maybe even quit smoking after some years. At least I wouldn't damage my lungs even further with e-cigs.
Sounds like you're switching from smoking to vaping solely because vaping is cheaper. The good news - it is. The bad news - going for the cheapest option is unlikely to be the best option for you. If you want to be successful in switching you have to find the right set up - a combination of gear and juice - that works for you.

Is money really your primary motivation or does your health factor in? If your health is important, then why put a low value on it by setting an arbitrary budget? I would urge you to rethink.

Finally, I would let you in on the first rule of vaping. Always, ALWAYS have a back up. Just in case something goes wrong with your gear or juice supply you must have a back up that prevents you sliding back to smoking again. I have helped a lot of friends switch from smoking and in every case I urge them not to buy one set up but two.
Never too late to stop smoking and your body will thank you for it! 25 is the perfect time to quit.
If you want to save money then try Fasttech. You'll pick up a Pico for around $20. Read some reviews on here about tanks you like the sound of and grab one from there too.
isticks are a great mod. i do not have this one but i do have 7 other eleaf istick mods which are all still in use after 4 years.
the one in that video has been highly rated as it has great internal battery life. i dont recognise the tank though but any tank with a 510 connection will work on most mods.
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