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Quick Help! Lubrication!


Apr 7, 2014
No, not that sort you dirty sods! Twice I've put together my clone rose. Both times the chimney has wedged with the top cap so that neither will turn independently of the other. Two tanks of juice wasted now! I've not used lubricant before for the chimney cap o-ring. The second attempt I used a bit of ejuice thinking 'that'll do the job'. It didn't. What do I use? Please help, gotta go out in a minute and am desperate to have it up and running.

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Well it's used for chapped lips, can't see why a small amount (a very little goes a long way) would cause issues
Had exactly the same problem with my second Rose Clone, I ended up switching the O Ring on the chimney section for something smaller, it has helped a bit, but it is nowhere near as good as the one on the first one which I got from ebay. OK the Ebay one cost significantly more, but it was well worth it. The second one and I have had a Love, Hate, relationship from day one, the quality just isn't there in comparison.
Had exactly the same problem with my second Rose Clone, I ended up switching the O Ring on the chimney section for something smaller, it has helped a bit, but it is nowhere near as good as the one on the first one which I got from ebay. OK the Ebay one cost significantly more, but it was well worth it. The second one and I have had a Love, Hate, relationship from day one, the quality just isn't there in comparison.

Couldn't get my hands on Vaseline. Opted for some of my gf's lipbalm. Worked a treat. Cheers all.

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If the orings are rubber Vaseline is a bad idea, it is a well known fact that Vaseline melts rubber. If they are silicone then it might be ok, but I wouldn't risk it. Ejuice is the right thing to use, or maybe a little silicone lubricant, but if it is going to come in contact with your juice I would just stick with ejuice.
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