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RDA: 22mm or 29mm?

Rab D

Jun 25, 2014
A noob question...

I've just got my first RDA, an Igo-W7; lotsa flavour and vapour, very happy. Only problem I found was size; e.g., winding the wire around the negative post and tightening the screw - all a bit fiddly.

I'm tempted to get a 29mm RDA next time, just to have more space to work in; and I see some of those have big negative posts with holes in to thread the wires easier!

Also, the 29mm size means there's possibility of a bigger well for the juice.

I know mech mods are 22mm due to 18650 battery size, and the 29mm 26650 hasn't taken off (yet?) in a big way - but I intend to use this on my Hana clone whenever it leaves Fasttech restocking hell.

I'd be happy to stick with 22mm if the vape is better - but if 29mm gives a same or better vape, I'd like to go large.

Can anyone advise on pros and cons?
It's whatever you fancy for the easy life I suppose, although I don't feel that a larger device will be that much easier to attach the coils. Ok yes, the deck may be bigger, but the posts and screws will still be the same size as all the others ie tiny.
I stand to be corrected if I am wrong, but from what I've seen, many of the posts that have holes in are not really there for putting the wires through to make it easy, they are threaded and are just an alternative position for the post screws eg, have the screws on top, or on the side.
I can, however, see some benefit in a larger dripper (29mm) in that it means more wicking and less frequency of 'topping up', but having never used one, i'm only suppositioning that.
It's whatever you fancy for the easy life I suppose, although I don't feel that a larger device will be that much easier to attach the coils. Ok yes, the deck may be bigger, but the posts and screws will still be the same size as all the others ie tiny.
I stand to be corrected if I am wrong, but from what I've seen, many of the posts that have holes in are not really there for putting the wires through to make it easy, they are threaded and are just an alternative position for the post screws eg, have the screws on top, or on the side.
I can, however, see some benefit in a larger dripper (29mm) in that it means more wicking and less frequency of 'topping up', but having never used one, i'm only suppositioning that.

I went ahead and bought Tobeco clone of the 28.5mm Tobh Atty.

Found the posts and screws noticeably bigger than those of the Igo-W7; and much easier to get wires through negative post-holes, then tighten down, than try to do the simultaneous wind-wire-round-screw-and-tighten-down thing.

The juice well is a lot deeper than the Igo. Big plus for me is, not having to keep the PV absolutely vertical at all times, which was more necessary with the Igo.
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