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RDA coil for flavour...

you need something big and testosterone fuelled with a wanky name like 'quad fused stapled juggernaut stitched muthafucka' then post pics online and look down on everyone else;)
Thing is how do you get that much metal to ramp up to temp in a reasonable time.
Big Volts. I have coils that need 8V to work properly and for that I need series mech because I don't have a regulated mod that'll do that, no matter how high I set the Watts.

8V sounds a hell of a lot but the coil shown below is nearly .6Ω so it's only just over 100W. It's a twisted 2x24 with a 6mm bore so lots of metal on there. Why? Surface area. I only use that type of coil on that particular deck because it sits very low so is a really good squonker, which it needs to be because at 100W it only gets about three hits dripping and I can't be arsed with that when I'm writing.

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I use Flatwire uk flapton wire 24/32 3mm jig 6 wraps and that gives me great flavour every time on my RDAs..........
I use Flatwire uk flapton wire 24/32 3mm jig 6 wraps and that gives me great flavour every time on my RDAs..........
I'v been looking for recommendations on ss flat clapton, so thanks for this. Where do you source your wire, please?
I'v been looking for recommendations on ss flat clapton, so thanks for this. Where do you source your wire, please?
Your welcome mate i get mine from ebay or my local vape shop they do also 24g ss wire not sure if its clapton or not as ss i never used........
Currently running dual fused clapton (kanthal)
I have 316ss aliens also but I much prefer the kanthal.
2 reasons. I find I get better flavour, its also not as harsh as ss running in power mode.
I also find kanthal gets to temp quicker and cools quicker also.
After having ran various coils Im leaning towards fused clapton and std aliens. Less spit back and overall a better performance for my Mods.
Unable to run the ss on temp control as I lost the adaptor for my tc mod.
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