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RDA/Dripper longevity


Jun 29, 2015
How often do people as a rule have to rebuild their RDA's/Drippers, taking into account amount of use, power etc? I'm going to take the plunge soon and was just curious to how often i'll be having to rebuild. I also bear in mind that I do a lot of driving for work, so would be using a tank a fair amount of the time and probably sticking to a dripper in the evenings.
How often do people as a rule have to rebuild their RDA's/Drippers, taking into account amount of use, power etc? I'm going to take the plunge soon and was just curious to how often i'll be having to rebuild. I also bear in mind that I do a lot of driving for work, so would be using a tank a fair amount of the time and probably sticking to a dripper in the evenings.

I've had a fused Clapton in my messes for well over a month now.
(.49ohm @ 40w and used most days for 2-3hours)
]I currently have a clapton in my mako shorty and it's been in there for about 2 weeks. (.78ohm @ 27w and used most days for 2hours). I've had about 15 different juices go through it. All I do is dry burn, wash and rewick and I'm good to go.
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Rebuild it every couple of weeks.

As a noob, it's a great learning process.

Lately keepin' it i as long as it still chuckin' and flavor hasn't change and clean it every weekend.

Ma build Between .2 to .06 ohms
They'll last as long as they last - which isn't helpful I know. It will depend on a number of factors including how well you built the coil to start with, how often you re-wick, how you dry burn, what juice you use how much you use it and boredom threshold. For average use with a well built coil of reasonably thick Kanthal and careful re-wicking you can expect anywhere from 1 to 3 months...
If I like how a coil vapes it lasts me many months.
Every now and again I will test my drippers and recoil the least satisfactory.
The coils in this tobh v2 must have been built last year, I only remember these particular coils because I mounted them upside down and so they sit at an unintended angle that bugs me a little, but it vapes good and I have always found it hard to rip out coils that work well.
Thanks for the replies! I've had mine in just over a week and re-wicked once. It's due another re-wick so to get my practice in I'll probably build another coil too.
Recoil every few weeks, depending on how battered they are from juices and such.

Every few days I will de-wick, rinse and dryburn the coils, then re-wick and probably change falvours around.

Apart from the Goblin Mini I am a dripper/mech lover primarily, it just rocks my boat..
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