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RDA/RBA Suggestions or stick with NVape coil in Kangers?


Jul 9, 2014
Hey All,

My regular setups are a vamo or itaste v3 with kanger mini pro tank 3 or aerotank with naturevape coils in and they're lovely, very happy with them for my ADV.

However, out of curiousity I got a used chi you & origen v1 rda (clones). I build dual coils at around 1.4ohm on it and find it a bit harsh, not great on flavour and quite warm. I guess I'd gotten used to the cooler bottom coil vape on my tanks. I also find it a bit fiddly wicking the origen with the coils built vertically.

So, I'm wondering whether I should just stick with my VW and Kanger tanks with Naturevape coils as I seem to get good flavour from them or whether anyone can suggest an RDA or RBA that might suit me better and offer improvement over my tanks? (If RDA, I want to build horizontally if possible with holes for the wire rather than trying to fiddle it under screw heads)

I'm not really interested in clouds, I just want to get the best flavour I can really at this point. As I'm still finding my way, I don't want to spend a fortune, so it'll have to be clones I'm guessing.

Thanks, Russ
Never tried rda, but I have a kayfun Lite +, as far as flavour goes it is streets ahead of the kangers I was using. I also ain't interested in huge clouds so the kayfun fits the bill perfectly.

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Never tried rda, but I have a kayfun Lite +, as far as flavour goes it is streets ahead of the kangers I was using. I also ain't interested in huge clouds so the kayfun fits the bill perfectly.

Sent from my HUAWEI U8815 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app

Thanks for the speedy reply mate, I'll add that to the list to look at :)

Have you tried Naturevape coils (1.5ohm microcoil wicked with cotton) in the Kangers because that's really what I want the improvement over. (They are a huge improvement over stock kanger heads already with little faffing ;) )

Not tried the NV coils. I did faff about building my own coils in the kangers with various wick materials, never did get any better than stock. So, gave up and bought the kfl as it main design feature is the question for flavor not clouds. I now have only 2 juices on the go, menthol in an evod and butterscotch in the kfl,cant seen to find any other flavors I like enough to buy again.

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You could go for a kayfun clone, lots of flavor, easy to build and you can carry it around with you unlike most RDAs, I have a genuine one but EHpro make some good clones ime and if they are half as good I think you will be very happy.
I have the Russian 91% (same as kayfun) and agree it's a really flavoursome vape.. once you work out the best wick setup. If you want an RDA (dripper) I could not recommend the mephisto enough. I'm not into massive sub ohms like raguri but it is really easy to build and has great vapour and flavour.. I like so much I am tempted to buy another so I have a spare or a different coil setup on the go. I'm currently really enjoying the kraken but that's a genesis tank so is a different bastie altogether
Hey All,

My regular setups are a vamo or itaste v3 with kanger mini pro tank 3 or aerotank with naturevape coils in and they're lovely, very happy with them for my ADV.

However, out of curiousity I got a used chi you & origen v1 rda (clones). I build dual coils at around 1.4ohm on it and find it a bit harsh, not great on flavour and quite warm. I guess I'd gotten used to the cooler bottom coil vape on my tanks. I also find it a bit fiddly wicking the origen with the coils built vertically.

So, I'm wondering whether I should just stick with my VW and Kanger tanks with Naturevape coils as I seem to get good flavour from them or whether anyone can suggest an RDA or RBA that might suit me better and offer improvement over my tanks? (If RDA, I want to build horizontally if possible with holes for the wire rather than trying to fiddle it under screw heads)

I'm not really interested in clouds, I just want to get the best flavour I can really at this point. As I'm still finding my way, I don't want to spend a fortune, so it'll have to be clones I'm guessing.

Thanks, Russ

This won't be a popular reply, but...

I've not been vaping long, so please take this with a pinch of salt.
I've been on a real mission chasing flavours with RDA's as everyone rates them so highly.
Like you, I'm a big fan of the aerotank, I've recently started running them with a home built coil and cotton wick (so similar to the NV.)
Personally, for me, yes some RDA's give better flavour. (The Orieco storm is good as is the Paradigm magma)
But, and again this is only my personal experience, whilst they're better, it's only by a small margin.
For me, drippers are fun to play around with in the evening but day to day, it's aerotank all the way for me.
And, when I get in late from work and flop out in front of the telly and really can't be arsed (most days) then I'll just carry on vaping with the Aerotank.
Only exception is the Kayfun lite+ which I do tend to use a lot in the evenings. OK, so it's a RBA, but the tank is so vast it lasts me a week just using it in the evenings and it means no faffing around. Plus, the flavour is better than the aerotank but in terms of cost, it doesn't give that much of an advantage.
I like the aero tank but for me the airflow is just a bit too tight. The kayfun (or Russian in my case) imo has a far better airflow but then I seem to like my airy draws
So far the consensus seems to be Kayfun Lite+ / Russian 91%, I reckon I'll give that a go, I'll have a look at prices later on, thanks ever so much for all the replies.

I still welcome any more comment/advice of course, you can't have too much advice ;)

I like the aero tank but for me the airflow is just a bit too tight. The kayfun (or Russian in my case) imo has a far better airflow but then I seem to like my airy draws

Have you tried the Aerotank V2? IT has far better airflow than the V1, the difference is night and day.
Not that I'm trying to put you off the Kayfun you understand, far be it from me to put anybody off of buying a new bit of shiny :D The KFL is the best attie I own, bar none.
But, just to say that the aerotank V2 does give a very airy draw with the airflow control fully open :)
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