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RDA/RBA Suggestions or stick with NVape coil in Kangers?

Just had a better look at mine, its a Svoemesto KFL+ V2. I paid £30 for it from a local shop, I dont buy much online, always try to buy stuff locally.

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It's not a svoemesto for 30 quid only cloud9 sell them.
It's a clone most likely infinite.
I hope they didn't sell it as such

Mega typo
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Hey All,

My regular setups are a vamo or itaste v3 with kanger mini pro tank 3 or aerotank with naturevape coils in and they're lovely, very happy with them for my ADV.

However, out of curiousity I got a used chi you & origen v1 rda (clones). I build dual coils at around 1.4ohm on it and find it a bit harsh, not great on flavour and quite warm. I guess I'd gotten used to the cooler bottom coil vape on my tanks. I also find it a bit fiddly wicking the origen with the coils built vertically.

So, I'm wondering whether I should just stick with my VW and Kanger tanks with Naturevape coils as I seem to get good flavour from them or whether anyone can suggest an RDA or RBA that might suit me better and offer improvement over my tanks? (If RDA, I want to build horizontally if possible with holes for the wire rather than trying to fiddle it under screw heads)

I'm not really interested in clouds, I just want to get the best flavour I can really at this point. As I'm still finding my way, I don't want to spend a fortune, so it'll have to be clones I'm guessing.

Thanks, Russ

if its a half decent clone of the origen then you are already halfway to a great vape
go back to basics, build a single coil horizontally about 1.4 ohm and set up airflow for singe coil
now adjust the coil so the air hole will be just BELOW it when the cap is on
wick it as preferred and let it soak
if a dripper does not give better flavour than a clearo, you're not building it right
don't forget, with a dipper you will want to drop the nic. content of your juice

pictured dual coil horizontal from Carlos


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if its a half decent clone of the origen then you are already halfway to a great vape
go back to basics, build a single coil horizontally about 1.4 ohm and set up airflow for singe coil
now adjust the coil so the air hole will be just BELOW it when the cap is on
wick it as preferred and let it soak
if a dripper does not give better flavour than a clearo, you're not building it right
don't forget, with a dipper you will want to drop the nic. content of your juice

pictured dual coil horizontal from @Carlos

Thanks for this, I didn't realise I could coil the origen horizontally, I shall try that, and thanks for the pointers with the airholes :)

I was also advised last night, in vapers lounge fm chat, to make my coils with 2 lengths of wire side by side and build that as dual coil (though it's essentially quadcoil I think) at 0.7 the way i'm building atm. (Obviously will have to make some lower nic juice to go with it). Don't worry, I have a tester and 35A batteries :)

So I've got some things to try on my dripper again, let's see if I can get it rocking :)

I will also be looking at getting a kfl+ soon just to see how it compares to my aerotank with nvape coil.

A thousand thank you's to everyone who posted in this thread, it's much appreciated, I love this forum....I belong to others but this is my main one for the friendliness and willingness to help a newbie :)

The Kayfun lite v2 from fasttech is spot on, much better than the earlier clones, juice channels are right on this one. I run one at 1.4 ohms, silica wick, no leaks or dry hits and chain vape it all day at work. Very nice and cheap.
I will also be looking at getting a kfl+ soon just to see how it compares to my aerotank with nvape coil.

A thousand thank you's to everyone who posted in this thread, it's much appreciated, I love this forum....I belong to others but this is my main one for the friendliness and willingness to help a newbie :)

We don't seem to be a million miles away in terms of objectives. I'm also pretty much content with my Kangers and NV coils and want to try a KFL+ ... but £67 makes me want to double check ... I'm waiting on delivery of a Vaporshark DNA30 imminently, so I feel guilty about spending up.

I looked at FastTech and opted for a Russian 91% clone for US$ 22.33; it was a toss up between that and a KFL+ clone. I also went for an authentic Smok dripper for testing fluids - why not at just US$ 6.57?
If I really get on with the black Russian then a genuine KFL+ from Cloud9vaping won't seem such a stretch. Just wish they did them in black. :)
We don't seem to be a million miles away in terms of objectives. I'm also pretty much content with my Kangers and NV coils and want to try a KFL+ ... but £67 makes me want to double check ... I'm waiting on delivery of a Vaporshark DNA30 imminently, so I feel guilty about spending up.

I looked at FastTech and opted for a Russian 91% clone for US$ 22.33; it was a toss up between that and a KFL+ clone. I also went for an authentic Smok dripper for testing fluids - why not at just US$ 6.57?
If I really get on with the black Russian then a genuine KFL+ from Cloud9vaping won't seem such a stretch. Just wish they did them in black. :)

Since posting this I ended up buying a VTR and have now found my ADV setup, lovely bit of kit, aerotank fits lovely and and the NV coils give great flavour.... all nice and safe in my pocket. :D

So I won't be able to order any new rba/rda for a few weeks now, I'd love to hear how you find yours when they arrive :)

Thanks, Russ
Sounds like you're at a similar point to me, been using a Nature Vape Midi Pro and much prefer cotton wicks now as a result (can notice the difference with Silica and it just tastes wrong to me). Decided to get a rebuildable as the Midi pro looks a bit thin on my evic s (20mm vs 23mm), and after plenty of reading and watching of YT videos decided to go with a Kayfun Lite and ordered one from Cloud9Vaping today.

Will let you know how I get on and how I feel it compares to the Nature Vape coils once I'm up and running with it. Going to be doing a Micro coil build with a cotton wick. Also have some Muji cotton ordered, can't wait to start my building adventure :D
The Heron is possibly the best flavour atty that I have used and the clone performs better than any other clone I have owned.

It is also incredibly easy to coil with Microcoil and cotton.

I will grab a real one once finances have recovered, but I can't fault the clone, which is unusual for me as all my other attys are original.

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