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RDA/RBA Suggestions or stick with NVape coil in Kangers?

+1 for a Kayfun lite M vapes do a good clone if you don't want to get the real thing
The Heron is possibly the best flavour atty that I have used and the clone performs better than any other clone I have owned.

It is also incredibly easy to coil with Microcoil and cotton.

I will grab a real one once finances have recovered, but I can't fault the clone, which is unusual for me as all my other attys are original.

Sent from my iPhone using Planet of the Vapes

Which clone did you buy JustDave

I'm gonna get a heron clone at the end of the month to get a feel for it as everyone seems to sing it's praise

Just got my Kayfun Lite and managed a 1.6 Ohm micro coil on my first attempt. Initial impressions compared to my Nature Vape Midi Pro is that the taste is better by a notch, nothing earth shattering but noticeable enough. Vapour production is much better in comparison.

Build wise was fairly straight forward following a couple of YouTube videos and used 9 wraps 28 gauge Kanthanl on a 2mm drill bit to make the coil. May try 7 or 8 next time. Here's a couple of pics of the coil, not bad for a complete noob if I do say so myself lol.

Photo 2014-08-18 13.24.11.jpgPhoto 2014-08-18 13.23.07.jpg

Just got my Kayfun Lite and managed a 1.6 Ohm micro coil on my first attempt. Initial impressions compared to my Nature Vape Midi Pro is that the taste is better by a notch, nothing earth shattering but noticeable enough. Vapour production is much better in comparison.

Build wise was fairly straight forward following a couple of YouTube videos and used 9 wraps 28 gauge Kanthanl on a 2mm drill bit to make the coil. May try 7 or 8 next time. Here's a couple of pics of the coil, not bad for a complete noob if I do say so myself lol.

View attachment 31518View attachment 31519

Looks spot on m8 :grin2:
Looking good, how high is the coil above the air hole, from memory mine is a but closer than yours, might be why I cant get mine above 6.5 watts and still have a nice vape.

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