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RDA/RBA Suggestions or stick with NVape coil in Kangers?

Have you tried the Aerotank V2? IT has far better airflow than the V1, the difference is night and day.
Not that I'm trying to put you off the Kayfun you understand, far be it from me to put anybody off of buying a new bit of shiny :D The KFL is the best attie I own, bar none.
But, just to say that the aerotank V2 does give a very airy draw with the airflow control fully open :)
You're ok Panter, not going to put me off mate :-). I've had the aerotank mega for a little while and after trying a dripper I borrowed from a mate I just couldn't get on with it again.. not enough air. The Russian that I have swapped for the aerotank, which my mate didn't get on with as he's not a fan of building coils and couldn't get the wicking right, so given that its win win. I was looing at buying a kayfun and he was looking at getting another aerotank mega. He likely got the better deal monetary wise but then I would rather have something I wil use
Recently started using RDA's I have a Tobh and a Stillare, both FT clones and both are brilliant little attys, the flavour is a new level and the clouds are crazy.

It's because of these why the aerotank mega just isn't hitting the spot anymore so i'm looking into getting an RBA myself, if i can maintain discipline i'm gonna wait for the rose V2 clone, possibly the sat22 genny as well.
To me the aerotank is nowhere near the kfl in terms of flavour, and that is a like for like comparison with the kfl and aerotank running on the MVP with the same juice..... I am new to rebuildables and found the kfl a piece of piss to coil and wick, just follow me a few vids on YouTube and it'll just work, simples.

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Okay, I just had a quick search for a Kayfun Lite+ / Russian 91% Clone and have found that there seems to be huge variety in models/makers/quality/price...

Could anyone offer recommendations/links to good ones (I need to keep the price down as much as possible, but I don't want the cheapest crap so am happy to pay a little more for a good one). I also don't mind waiting for shipping from china if needs be :)

Oh, one I looked at said it's for silica wicking....is that set? I quite like cotton and I have cotton...I don't have silica, so if I need to get that too, then recommendations for that as well would be awesome.

Thanks, Russ
(P.S. I'm not being totally lazy and relying on you guys to pick for me, I have done some searching myself but it seems a minefield and a little confusing and would like to draw on your experiences ;) )
Okay, I just had a quick search for a Kayfun Lite+ / Russian 91% Clone and have found that there seems to be huge variety in models/makers/quality/price...

Could anyone offer recommendations/links to good ones (I need to keep the price down as much as possible, but I don't want the cheapest crap so am happy to pay a little more for a good one). I also don't mind waiting for shipping from china if needs be :)

Oh, one I looked at said it's for silica wicking....is that set? I quite like cotton and I have cotton...I don't have silica, so if I need to get that too, then recommendations for that as well would be awesome.

Thanks, Russ
(P.S. I'm not being totally lazy and relying on you guys to pick for me, I have done some searching myself but it seems a minefield and a little confusing and would like to draw on your experiences ;) )

I know @Mr.Motivapr was extremely happy with his, but don't know what ones he uses.

Personally, I prefer the cotton and micro coil in mine, but I haven't done a lot of playing around with the silica for comparison.
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Okay, I just had a quick search for a Kayfun Lite+ / Russian 91% Clone and have found that there seems to be huge variety in models/makers/quality/price...

Could anyone offer recommendations/links to good ones (I need to keep the price down as much as possible, but I don't want the cheapest crap so am happy to pay a little more for a good one). I also don't mind waiting for shipping from china if needs be :)

Oh, one I looked at said it's for silica wicking....is that set? I quite like cotton and I have cotton...I don't have silica, so if I need to get that too, then recommendations for that as well would be awesome.

Thanks, Russ
(P.S. I'm not being totally lazy and relying on you guys to pick for me, I have done some searching myself but it seems a minefield and a little confusing and would like to draw on your experiences ;) )

From the research i've done into kayfun clones it seems the EHpro, Hcigar, and infinite ones are the best rated, but the Hcigar ones generally seem to be considered the best of the 3, probably just a marginal difference, none the less Hcigar seem to be unanimously regarded as the best kayfun clone you can get from my forum searching and review reading.

You can get the HCigar Kayfun Lite plus V2 from vape geek for £32, I've seen it elsewhere a little cheaper if it's purely a price thing, but vape geek provide outstanding service and aftercare if you ever have a problem.

Kayfun Light plus V2
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Not sure on best clone. Mine is a clone from a local shop but don't know what make it is. As for build just done my 2nd build in mine today, 8 turn 0.28 kanthal round a m3 screw, powered up and compressed to form micro coil then cotton wick, nowt fancy just a standard wick as it works fine.

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I was a staunch protank user, best thing since sliced bread in my eyes for a portable day vape.
But after much faffing rebuilding/wicking every couple of days I decided to revisit my KFL clone which I initially hated with a passion.
But after much fettling I have come to a happy compromise with it , Im starting to think every body was right and they are the mutts nuts.
The only down for me is they weigh a ton if you are looking to carry it round.

The FT clone I have is of reasonable quality, tank/chimney threads once worn in have become super smooth.
Down side is the filler screw and post screws seem a little dodgy and at some point I may need to re tap them a size up which aint a problem for me but for others it may be the end of the road for their KFL clone if they strip.

EDIT: To add to this post turned out to be the screws that where naff in the deck rather than the actual threads cut in the deck.
New screws and it was good to go.
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So a NatureVape coil is basically a microcoil with cotton wick.

If you put one of those into an aerotank (standard, mini, mega, giant) or a Peakomizer or a n other tank that takes kanger heads and has airflow control.

you're very close to Kayfun flavour.

the key is dialing in the airflow right.

I think the best flavour you can get is:

i) a dripper
ii) an Erlkonigin
iii) a Kayfun

if all you care about is flavour you can't beat a dripper.

I reckon EK tanks are the best flavour you can get from a tank, but atm you can only get originals, it's not been cloned yet, so if you're in the clone market the next best is a Kayfun.


a bad build in a dripper or a rebuildable will give you a bad vape - and the naturevape stuff is a good build.

while a kayfun is better, you're not talking about night and day difference in the right tank and a Kayfun (or any RBA) is only as good as the build that you put in it.
Have a couple of kayfun clones and a few original, the best of clones appeared to be the infinite, however it doesn't match the original in terms of vape.
You'll get a lot of my kayfun leaks my kayfun tastes crap. A genuine kayfun simply wicked is difficult to beat, although I'm yet to try an ek, it's on the September list after heron.
Clone tubes, I cant really argue,too much, clone atomizers on the other hand gets my goat.
Happy face
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