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Rebuild Protank 2


Aug 19, 2013
Sure this has been asked a million times but want to be sure. Going to attempt first rebuild and would like heads about 2 ohms. What kanthal and wick will i need? Also how many wraps or is it trial and error?

I've done a few kanger rebuilds, they're all the same. I use 2mm wick for the Evods and today got my first pro tank (mini) and I think they're all really similar in terms of heads (well, actually identical) but also how they insert/screw in.

Now I noticed some flavour issues that I'm putting down to poor wicking. As mentioned above, the protanks seem to have a very common way in which the heads screw in to the base - very different from the Evods. Evods stand clear of the base, protank wicks are RIGHT down in the very bottom. So my theory is that they need thinner wick and extra caution not to strangle the wick as it's all so cramped down there.

I use .2mm 32 guage kanthol, wrapped 4 or 5 times - can't remember which, probably 5 though to get 1.9 ish coil.

Oh, by the way, don't do what I did and many others do - forget to put the rubber/silicon thing back on after! If it leaks like fuck you've done this :p
I've just doubled over a 2mm silica thread, wrapped 5 coils of .30 Kanthal ribbon and got 2.2 ohms.

It's the first time I've used ribbon in a miser and even at 6W my screen vanished in a cloud of Gummy Bear vape. The flavour is immense.

It's lovely to end the night on a success - I couldn't recommend ribbon to X9/Protank/iClear/Evod/Vivi/etc rebuilders more strongly.

Subloodyperb. :yahoo:
I'm using 0.2 Kanthal, 4 wraps gives me 1.6 + ohms and for wick, tried all sorts but i think my fav so far as to be 3ml ekowool silica wick. been using the same evod built head for two weeks and its still going strong, loving the flavor

Wire i got from here although its gone up a few bob since my last order. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/380673616717?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
ekowool i got from C9 http://www.cloud9vaping.co.uk/epage...cts/DIY-EKOWOOL&ChangeAction=SelectSubProduct
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I've just doubled over a 2mm silica thread, wrapped 5 coils of .30 Kanthal ribbon and got 2.2 ohms.

Obviously a small defect on the coil, but still an incredible vape and on a 12mg juice has my head spinning.

Just did another X9 the same but with more attention to the coil and it has produced 2.5ohm. I wouldn't normally vape this high but with the thickness of the ribbon wrapping around both wicks the effect must be along the lines of microcoils for surface area coverage...but far, far simpler to coil.

The 2.5ohm coil is ripping flavour from Monkey Jizz I never knew existed; the banana has become a massive strong but slightly sweet ripe taste on the inhale and the custard has gained body and creamyness on the exhale to a level that has saliva dripping into the mouthpiece.

I have some .5 ribbon which I might try out in a bit to see if I can get a low ohm X9 to pop onto a mod. At this rate I may not even bother with mesh wicks again.
stealthvape will be receiving another order for a stack more Kanthal ribbon.
Four wraps of .5 ribbon to give 1ohm on a 2mm wick with a 2mm flavour wick on top led to:

The 1ohm Evod
View attachment 10966

I grant you that the Evod of all things on top of my Caravela clone base is a combination of Lemmon & Matthau proportions. I picked it because I haven't got anything else suitable with a tank that's free.

The width of the ribbon gave a very noticeable coverage to the surface of the silica and required concentration to coil so that it would fit into the Evod head. I'd say that those who find coiling tricky would find using this size of Kanthal a lot easy due to the more sturdy nature of the filament.

As with my journey into X9 ribbon use, the vape and especially flavour has been immensely improved. I'm struggling to think how the flavour could possibly improve any further, such is the abundance of taste going on today.
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