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Recipe mega thread

I'm going to delete this thread if one more person fails to spell the fucking word "recipe" correctly. ITS IN THE FUCKING TITLE.
Thanks for the detailed response mate, this is what I think forums should be all about. No name calling or anything like that, just a good old fashioned two sided debate.

As far as I was aware, by asking for a "clone" was this not asking for someone's interpretation of the liquid after effectively reverse engineering it? I could be wrong but are there many actual leaked recipes (drawings effectively as you rightly put it) out there, or are these not what someone believes they are made up of after trying the juice and then attempting to copy it?

I completely agree that using someone's "drawings" as you likened it, is wrong. That I don't agree with at all, but unless I'm mistaken, aren't the "clones" of liquids just reverse engineered copies after someone has tried the juice and then attempted to re-create?

If I'm wrong and there are people stealing and leaking recipes then I'll hold my hands up and bow out gracefully, but the only properly leaked recipe I have personally ever seen was unicorn milk by cuttwood?

There are moral implications to all the points being discussed, do I buy a clone RDA or not etc. I know I have unwittingly purchased a clone RDA before myself.

But I wouldn't go into the pub where I know the chap that invented said "thing" hangs out and start asking folk in the pub where I can buy a cheaper version.

Above all else the biggest issue here to my mind is bad form, and in reality I believe all that folks were asking for was a little mutual respect. Some vendors have requested ( politely ) that the Forum would support the preservation of their IP by keeping an eye on some of the topics regarding blatant attempts to pull apart a product they have worked on. In my opinion it is that persons right to request it be removed from this list.

Note all this is based on requests and opinions, not facts and demands!

Finally. Vendors have very strict guidelines to follow regarding where they can post / promote goods they are selling, on the whole this is observed ( and trust me there are plenty of golden "opportunities" on other threads to be exploited ) but, as with this thread, out of respect to the other users who don't want every question they ask having marketing responses, certain etiquette applies.
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A belive the last 6 pages is outrageous.this is a great thread and all this could have been avoided by simply saying sorry this vendor has asked not to have any clones of his juices on the thread.
I stupidly subscribed to this a while ago and now wish I hadn't, however I want to weigh in with my two cents. Are all the people speaking out accusing people of being "out of order" and the like, safe in the knowledge they have never bought a "cloned" or "styled" piece of hardware? I'd even go as far as saying and "inspired by" bit of kit? If your entire collection is of original manufacturer's products then I accept your distaste. However if that's not the case (which I find almost impossible to believe) and you have nothing such as a clone of an original or an inspired device (such is 99% of the tanks and mods out there) then I think people in glass houses shouldn't not throw stones. The vape game is constantly taking people's ideas and making them their "own" . Seldom does someone come up with something completely original these days, it's always an adaptation of something else and included in with that is liquid. I do both DIY and buy vendor juice and I also review liquids and we all know that a "clone" is never exactly the same as the original is supposed to be. It's someones best guess of what it could be and extremely rarely is that an exact of something. The odds of someone getting the recipe exact are very unlikely, so if someone has an opinion of what they think it is then I don't think there is a problem. If, however, a concentrate is available of a premixed flavour from a vendor and that is then sold or passed off as an original recipe, then that is crossing a line. Food for thought to all the people victimising someone for things they are probably guilty of with other cloned, styled or inspired products. Be them UK manufactured or not.

Tottally agree with that strong, the vendors do the same read a juice description or taste 1 and attempt to make there own version, this is just about stopping commoners from doing the same, no point talking it out thow youll get abuse for having a diffrent oppinion.

Future refrence guys if you wana post a clone recipe on here or request a clone recipe type of juice, just leave 1 key word in i.e nipple juice use nipple cream or mothers milk use mothers cream, that way i cant see folks issue since its an interpretation and not an original or stolen recipe, unless were banning recipes with nipple or mothers in the title should avoid arguments taking up thread room
If you want an original juice, buy it. If you want to do diy, then start with a couple of oneshots to keep you going. Then diy, as in do it yourself. Mix different flavours at different amounts. Look for inspiration on the recipe pages here and elsewhere, but why stick to them? Flavour is all down to opinion, make your own juices that in your opinion are nice.

I love custard juices so I make 90% of my homebrew with at least some custard in it. Surely this is the greatest part of homebrew juices, altering it to your taste. I realise that others will disagree, and understand people like premium brand juices but like me, can't afford to always buy from vendors. I for example like a popular English vendors banana and peanut juice. Do I want a clone? No, I want the satisfaction of making a juice using these flavours that I prefer to the original. I'm not there yet, but I'm learning as I go, learning things that I'll be able to apply for different mixes in the future.

The likes of manabush, southcoastvapes, el Diablo and the rest didn't get to being established vendors of great juices from copying clone recipes, they did it from mixing different stuff together, from experimenting, from enjoying the process.

I want to be clear that I have no friendship nor feeling of having to be 'loyal' (for want of a better word) to any of our juice vendors. I just think that if people are diying then they should forget what's in a particular branded juice, and instead focus on what flavours they want from a juice.

If you want an original juice, buy it. If you want to do diy, then start with a couple of oneshots to keep you going. Then diy, as in do it yourself. Mix different flavours at different amounts. Look for inspiration on the recipe pages here and elsewhere, but why stick to them? Flavour is all down to opinion, make your own juices that in your opinion are nice.

I love custard juices so I make 90% of my homebrew with at least some custard in it. Surely this is the greatest part of homebrew juices, altering it to your taste. I realise that others will disagree, and understand people like premium brand juices but like me, can't afford to always buy from vendors. I for example like a popular English vendors banana and peanut juice. Do I want a clone? No, I want the satisfaction of making a juice using these flavours that I prefer to the original. I'm not there yet, but I'm learning as I go, learning things that I'll be able to apply for different mixes in the future.

The likes of manabush, southcoastvapes, el Diablo and the rest didn't get to being established vendors of great juices from copying clone recipes, they did it from mixing different stuff together, from experimenting, from enjoying the process.

I want to be clear that I have no friendship nor feeling of having to be 'loyal' (for want of a better word) to any of our juice vendors. I just think that if people are diying then they should forget what's in a particular branded juice, and instead focus on what flavours they want from a juice.


Done with the hole convo tbh never guna make ground on the issue, like a circle. But the vendors use other flavour descriptions and replicate juices they have bought and tryed before, all the guy wanted was a recipey for a juice like nipple juice why he asked for a clone and not the authentic recipey, vendors do what all diy folk do replicate flavours be that cocktail/food/soft drink/other eliquids/candy/sweets etc etc, all clones are people experimenting to get a simaler flavour profile, way i see it is whats good for the goose is good foe the gander
The vendors may well replicate other juices or use them for inspiration, but they do it off their own back, not asking other people to do the work for them. It's one thing to copy a juice by tasting it and having a guess as to what it might contain, it's something very different to come in here and ask someone else to do that for them.
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