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Recipe mega thread

So basically nobody can post certain recipes with the ingrediants in if the match a vendors recipey, its just hypocritical since vendors copy each others flavours but hay ho joe public cant be inspired i think were calling it now, if you need help with that recipey viper pm me and ill help you come up with somthing
I thought it was quite amusing that the ausies are trying to sell these packs yet giving all the info away in the description.
It wasnt meant to offend so my apologies.
By all means take it down if it's a problem:D
So basically nobody can post certain recipes with the ingrediants in if the match a vendors recipey, its just hypocritical since vendors copy each others flavours but hay ho joe public cant be inspired i think were calling it now, if you need help with that recipey viper pm me and ill help you come up with somthing
If you go on my website it describes all the flavours, but then so does my vast collection of cookery books

One is called Eton's mess, the flavours are the components of Eton's mess, only flavourings don't always taste like they smell, and then they behave differently when mixed, and some just need something else to really taste how you want. And then of course its the time to steep and compensate for that so its stable.

I got inspired by food, I've always been inspired by food, probably why I'm such a fat fuck.

Point is, you don't need the exact list of ingredients and methods to be inspired

What you need is time and an open mind :)

And i would seriously recommend a really solid comprehensive cook book such as good housekeeping. It has the basics for all the classics
So basically nobody can post certain recipes with the ingrediants in if the match a vendors recipey, its just hypocritical since vendors copy each others flavours but hay ho joe public cant be inspired i think were calling it now, if you need help with that recipey viper pm me and ill help you come up with somthing



This is the official "I'm getting seriously bored of having to keep my eye on this thread warning"
If you go on my website it describes all the flavours, but then so does my vast collection of cookery books

One is called Eton's mess, the flavours are the components of Eton's mess, only flavourings don't always taste like they smell, and then they behave differently when mixed, and some just need something else to really taste how you want. And then of course its the time to steep and compensate for that so its stable.

I got inspired by food, I've always been inspired by food, probably why I'm such a fat fuck.

Point is, you don't need the exact list of ingredients and methods to be inspired

What you need is time and an open mind :)

And i would seriously recommend a really solid comprehensive cook book such as good housekeeping. It has the basics for all the classics

Cocktail book/cook books and internet i use, my point is clones are made by folk guessing the original recipey why i dont see the issue with it, as i said if its a stolen authentic recipey fair enough but the clone is a gestimation


This is the official "I'm getting seriously bored of having to keep my eye on this thread warning"

Why are vendors observing this thread so much, doesnt make sence to me surely they got juice and gear to be selling and dreaming up, its more for us lowly mixers, sure mods police forum anyways
I stupidly subscribed to this a while ago and now wish I hadn't, however I want to weigh in with my two cents. Are all the people speaking out accusing people of being "out of order" and the like, safe in the knowledge they have never bought a "cloned" or "styled" piece of hardware? I'd even go as far as saying and "inspired by" bit of kit? If your entire collection is of original manufacturer's products then I accept your distaste. However if that's not the case (which I find almost impossible to believe) and you have nothing such as a clone of an original or an inspired device (such is 99% of the tanks and mods out there) then I think people in glass houses shouldn't not throw stones. The vape game is constantly taking people's ideas and making them their "own" . Seldom does someone come up with something completely original these days, it's always an adaptation of something else and included in with that is liquid. I do both DIY and buy vendor juice and I also review liquids and we all know that a "clone" is never exactly the same as the original is supposed to be. It's someones best guess of what it could be and extremely rarely is that an exact of something. The odds of someone getting the recipe exact are very unlikely, so if someone has an opinion of what they think it is then I don't think there is a problem. If, however, a concentrate is available of a premixed flavour from a vendor and that is then sold or passed off as an original recipe, then that is crossing a line. Food for thought to all the people victimising someone for things they are probably guilty of with other cloned, styled or inspired products. Be them UK manufactured or not.
I stupidly subscribed to this a while ago and now wish I hadn't, however I want to weigh in with my two cents. Are all the people speaking out accusing people of being "out of order" and the like, safe in the knowledge they have never bought a "cloned" or "styled" piece of hardware? I'd even go as far as saying and "inspired by" bit of kit? If your entire collection is of original manufacturer's products then I accept your distaste. However if that's not the case (which I find almost impossible to believe) and you have nothing such as a clone of an original or an inspired device (such is 99% of the tanks and mods out there) then I think people in glass houses shouldn't not throw stones. The vape game is constantly taking people's ideas and making them their "own" . Seldom does someone come up with something completely original these days, it's always an adaptation of something else and included in with that is liquid. I do both DIY and buy vendor juice and I also review liquids and we all know that a "clone" is never exactly the same as the original is supposed to be. It's someones best guess of what it could be and extremely rarely is that an exact of something. The odds of someone getting the recipe exact are very unlikely, so if someone has an opinion of what they think it is then I don't think there is a problem. If, however, a concentrate is available of a premixed flavour from a vendor and that is then sold or passed off as an original recipe, then that is crossing a line. Food for thought to all the people victimising someone for things they are probably guilty of with other cloned, styled or inspired products. Be them UK manufactured or not.
Although I don't agree, I'll put some effort into my reply, as this was well structured.

I'm an engineer as well as running a juice business. We design and manufacture mining machinery, we have patents on certain designs, but mostly the industry reverse engineers the competition regularly.

A cloned piece of hardware is a reverse engineered "fake" branded and sold as a genuine. Or its rebranded but copies the unique IP of the donor.

All of this is achieved through observation, study and development. If someone copies one of our products, crack on ( I'm assuming we are not talking about patented things here)

But. Steal my drawings, that is illegal.

Buy some juice, deconstruct it, do as you see fit, you have paid for it. But don't ask for the "drawings", that's the bit I take issue with, the blatant attempt to pass something off as something it is not.
Although I don't agree, I'll put some effort into my reply, as this was well structured.

I'm an engineer as well as running a juice business. We design and manufacture mining machinery, we have patents on certain designs, but mostly the industry reverse engineers the competition regularly.

A cloned piece of hardware is a reverse engineered "fake" branded and sold as a genuine. Or its rebranded but copies the unique IP of the donor.

All of this is achieved through observation, study and development. If someone copies one of our products, crack on ( I'm assuming we are not talking about patented things here)

But. Steal my drawings, that is illegal.

Buy some juice, deconstruct it, do as you see fit, you have paid for it. But don't ask for the "drawings", that's the bit I take issue with, the blatant attempt to pass something off as something it is not.

Thanks for the detailed response mate, this is what I think forums should be all about. No name calling or anything like that, just a good old fashioned two sided debate.

As far as I was aware, by asking for a "clone" was this not asking for someone's interpretation of the liquid after effectively reverse engineering it? I could be wrong but are there many actual leaked recipes (drawings effectively as you rightly put it) out there, or are these not what someone believes they are made up of after trying the juice and then attempting to copy it?

I completely agree that using someone's "drawings" as you likened it, is wrong. That I don't agree with at all, but unless I'm mistaken, aren't the "clones" of liquids just reverse engineered copies after someone has tried the juice and then attempted to re-create?

If I'm wrong and there are people stealing and leaking recipes then I'll hold my hands up and bow out gracefully, but the only properly leaked recipe I have personally ever seen was unicorn milk by cuttwood?
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